Just a Heartbeat Away

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Chapter Forty-Seven: Just a Heartbeat Away

"Alex, go get her," Gregory tried to convince his hard headed friend.

"She wants to be left alone. She thinks I intentionally almost let her die. I would never do that. I know I can be an ass at times, but I would never let an innocent die, especially not her," he paced back and forth running his hands through his hair.

Did she really think that he hated her? He couldn't hate her even if he wanted. He's never talked to another girl other than Brit for longer than a class period, so it was hard being normal around her. But to think that he would stoop so low to harm her. Never.

The hurt on her face was something he hated to see. He felt like complete crap because he couldn't help her. But she wouldn't even let him explain. He was being held down by something. He didn't know what it was, but it was strong.

"I know that you wanted to save her, but you couldn't. Go get her and try to explain it to her. I don't blame her because from where she's standing, you almost let her die. But maybe if you talk it out with her, she'll finally understand," he stopped Alex and gave him the look.

Alex sighed deeply, "fine."

In a flash, he stood on top of the building. "Ria," he called out.

He took the stairs down. Looking around for a certain brunette, he noticed something on the ground of the twentieth floor. He walked closer to it and realized that it was drops of blood.

His body froze and his heart picked up its pace. "Ria," he yelled. He ran through all the floors in search of her. "Ria, where are you," he was freaking out.

He reached the ground floor and still couldn't find her. He searched around the whole neighborhood and even the old abandoned park, yet there was no sign of her. Running back to his house, he burst in through the door.

"Ria. She's missing," he yelled, panicking.

"She's probably just hiding from you or something. That girl just loves to cause problems," Brittany smirked, staring at her nails like it was the worlds most interesting thing.

Alex was pissed beyond the point of return. He walked over to her and got into her face. His eyes burning a bright icy color.

Her eyes widened in fear. She scooted away from him, but was captured by his arms on her side. "A-Alex," she saw his icy glare.

"I am so sick and tired of you constantly bullying her. We wouldn't even have this problem had you not been such a bitch and pushed her. So either you're going to shut the fuck up and sit here or leave. Understand," he spoke dangerously slow.

She quickly nodded her head and shut her gaping mouth.

"Good, now. Gregory, call Joey and Sara, ask them if Ria is with them," he turned to his red headed friend.

He nodded his head and immediately began to phone Sara. After two rings, she picked up her phone.


"Hey, Sara. This is Greg. Is Ria with you?"

"No, I thought she was with you guys," she suspiciously asked.

"Oh, uh. Nevermind found her," he made something up.

Before he could cut the phone, she spoke up again. "Gregory, where is she?"

"She right here," he tried sounding convincing.

"Greg, your tone of voice implies that you're lying. What the hell did you guys do to her?" She all but yelled at him.

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