Sorrys Cannot Fix Broken Trusts

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Sorrys Cannot Fix Broken Trusts

Matthew watched his daughter calmly stand up and walk towards him. His heart began beating frantically inside his chest. Her demeanor had changed. Something about her bought unspoken dread to set heavily in his stomach. He felt a bead of cold sweat skim down his bronzed skin.

This day was a day he dreaded since the day he'd laid eyes on the little girl. He knew that sooner or later it would happen. He was happy because she was alright, but sad because a giant crack was about to form in their relationship.

When she stopped in front of him, he had to bite down on the urge to sob. He didn't want to lose her, but the secrets that swarmed in his head were enough to break her trust and the bond they had created in the last sixteen years. If only his wife were here to comfort him.

"R-Ria," he tried mustering up a smile, but it quickly faltered when he saw no humor in her eyes.

"Who am I?" The question was simple, yet enough to cause tears to stream down his face.

"We-we're s-sorry," he sobbed. His shoulders shook with every apology he mumbled.

The two words and her fathers state was enough to make her realize that whatever was happening to her lately had not been just a natural thing. Her stomach burned with misery and her heart felt like it was in her head. She heard a ringing in her ears as her mind created horrible images. The ringing wasn't like the ones you'd normally hear, this sound was similar to one you'd hear when opening a door to a shop.

"Who am I?" She asked with even more hardness to her tone. She needed to hear it from him. She need for him to make this all a reality, even though deep down she wished for him to tell her that she was his little girl. But she knew that it was not what she wanted. She looked nothing like them, from her brunette hair to pale skin. She always thought that maybe she had gotten it from a grandparent, but now, now she knew why she was so different.

"I-I don't k-know," his voice trembled.

"You. Don't. Know? You have been taking care of me for sixteen years and you have no idea who I really am?" She couldn't believe this. How was she supposed to find out who she is if the people who hid the secret didn't know themselves.

"We f-found you sixteen y-years ago. Your mother and I-I, we couldn't h-have k-kids, so when we f-found you," he couldn't continue. It was too painful to see the deception in her eyes. She looked hurt and this was what he feared.

Scott turned to look at his friend. He didn't exactly understand what was happening. All he knew was that something about this girl had changed. "Matt, what is happening?"

"I'll explain to you dad," Alex stepped next to Ria.

Alex began reciting to him about what had happened today. He told him how Ria just found out she wasn't human. He also decided to mention her nightmares and what Vedric has told him. He saw Ria look at him in surprise. It's when he realized that she didn't know that Vedric was an Enchantor.

"You just said that a powerful Enchantress or Enchantor had done something to me," she turned back to her 'father.' "Did you have anything to do with this?" Her tone was almost hopeless. Her entire reality was crumbling down. Secrets she didn't know were possible were being revealed. Her trust in the people she loved were slowly decaying.

Matthew fell to his knees with his head in his hands. He sobbed uncontrollably, his body trembling with fear and guilt.

Through her fathers sobbing mess, she saw the subtle nod that he gave. And that was the last straw. Her legs suddenly were not able to carry up her weight as she began to fall. Her eyes blurred with tears that stung her inner canthus.

Alex quickly placed his arms around her waist and hoisted her up long enough for Gregory to place a chair under her. The three boys' hearts broke for the girl. Her whole world was just deemed a lie. The foundation for trust that she had created with her parents were nothing now.

"All this time when I was crying and practically dying from these nightmares and headaches, you two told me it was nothing. Mom," she said the word like it were sour to taste," told me that it was because of stress. You guys made it seem like I was crazy. And now you're telling me that this whole time it was because of you guys. What the hell did you do to me?" She was yelling. She couldn't hold back the tears that were choking her. If they weren't her real parents, then who were?

"Ria, calm down," Alex dropped his arm over her shoulders.

She pushed his arms away, "no. I will not calm down. I just found out that they lied to me and were responsible for everything that has happened to me in the last month. I want answers. How did you guys do this?"

Matthew wasn't even able to look at her. He was afraid of seeing the hate in her eyes. She was his pride and joy, but now she wasn't even his daughter. He cursed the day they took her to that Enchantress. Had they listen to her and not did this, this day would have never happened.

"Oh no you don't. You do not get to play the victim here. You-" she couldn't even talk because of the sob that was stuck in her throat. It was tightening her trachea, making it harder to breathe. But she refused to let this go. She just found out that there is a war happening in Eroas as they speak. If her parents sent her here, that means that they are there. They were in danger for sixteen years and she was living a happy normal life. She almost felt disgusted with herself. She didn't deserve to be happy while her parents suffered.

"You kept me away from everything," the hurt was evident in every word she spoke. Her voice was cracked and broken.

Alex and Gregory stood next to her and draped an arm over her. They hated to see her so hurt. She didn't deserve this.

"My-my real parents. They're still there. For sixteen years," she looked up and let out a shaky breathe. She wiped her tears and spoke again. "For sixteen years they have been in the midst of a war while I've been laughing and enjoying my life like nothing mattered. Do I even have siblings? Do I have other families. Who am I? Exactly what do I mean to the people of Eroas? Do you not realize what you've taken from me? My identity, my powers. You separated me from myself."

"We're sorry, Ria. We're so sorry. You're still my baby girl, my daughter. Please don't hate me," he pleaded. He begged to her.

She looked down at him. "I don't hate you. I couldn't bring myself to hate you even if I wanted. But I just can't be the same anymore. I don't think I can ever trust you again. I-I," she bit her lips in order to prevent another sob. "I just need to be alone. I don't have to courage or energy to deal with this right now."

She got off the chair and walked outside. She sat on the bench that was on the porch and cried. She cried because of an image that came inside her head. It was the woman with the beautiful brunette locks and golden hazel eyes. Next to her stood the man with raven hair and chocolate orbs. They were smiling down at her in the image. This was different from what she'd seen before. They actually looked happy. Full of life and joy.

Ria cried even harder because she finally knew who they were. She didn't need to think twice this time. Those eyes. Her perfect hair. His straight nose. Their pale skin. They were so beautiful. They were so perfect. They were her parents. The people she now ached to meet.


Another short chapter, but the next one is guaranteed to be longer. I've just been busy, so adding more was kind of out of the question.

Will Ria be able to hate Matthew and Angelika, or will she easily forgive them?

Will their relationship ever be the same again?

As always, please comment any errors and enjoy!!!

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