Burning from within

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Chapter Nineteen: Burning from Within

Alex asked Ria to just hangout on the couch and watch tv while him and the boys arranged something for them to eat. Brittany sat on the recliner all by herself, once in a while sending a mean glare towards Ria. Just because she had agreed to take Ria back to Alex place doesn't mean she liked the girl. She was only thinking of her friends and herself.

"So, what do you want to watch," Ria tried making some light conversation.

Brittany just turned to her with a bitch face. She didn't reply, just stared.

"O...k then. Never mind," she awkwardly mumbled.

She turned her attention back to the show that was displayed on the big flat screen tv. She rested her head on her hand and boredly stared, her stomach letting out a mean growl once in a while.

After a few moments, she got completely tired of waiting for the boys, so she set out to go join them in the kitchen. Right as she passed the threshold of the kitchen, a strange burning sensation travel up her body. She fanned herself, trying to relieve the heat that was trickling along her skin. Her breathing was being to speed up as the burning was getting worse. She felt like she was in a sauna, except there was no steam like feeling. It felt dry like the desert. She let out a dry cough, her parched throat scratching her uvula.

Her heart began to pump fast and her lips felt chapped, the feeling of an angular cheilitis like sore appearing at the corner of her mouth. She felt little shocks run through her vein, making her arms feel itchy and tingly. She gripped her pants in an effort to make all the tingles go away only for them to feel like they were on fire.

She grabbed at her throat as she felt like it was closing in on her. The dryness was spreading down her trachea. She ran to the sink, practically pushing Alex out of the way. Grabbing a large glass of water, she gulped it down like it was ambrosia given to her by a god.

The boys turned to face her with a look of confusion on their faces. Alex was slightly annoyed because she had caused him to drop the sandwich he had made for her. But it disappeared once he saw the look of pain on her face. He'd seen at that day at Vedrics shop.

She violently bought the glass to her lips again and in one gulp, cleared everything. The water slowly made its way through her trachea causing the burning sensation to slightly subside. But the moment the water wasn't in her throat, the feeling of dehydration came back.

Like a mad woman, she drank glass after glass of water in an attempt to resolve her problem, but like the unlucky girl she was, it didn't work. She frustratedly groaned, accidentally throwing the glass cup on the ground. It cracked into a million pieces, creating a big mess.

"Ria!" Alex called out to her. He was curious of what she was going through. He'd never seen her so frustrated.

"Ria, are you alright?" Greg slowly walked towards her. His steps were cautious and planned. He didn't come too close, but enough to try to get her attention.

"Ria, what happened?" Brian asked the brunette girl who was clutching her chest.

"I-I don't k-know," she choked out. She felt like she was about to burst into tears, except she couldn't create any.

The intensity of the heat in the room had multiplied. Her heart and head felt inflamed. But this feeling wasn't like the ones before. No this time, there were no voices inside her head. This time it was silent. Completely silent. So silent that she couldn't even hear herself think. Her thoughts came out jumbled. She couldn't even think coherently. It's like her emotions and thoughts were no longer hers. With the feeling of fire burning her pale skin, her mind was filled with angry thoughts. She felt mad. Mad at who, she didn't know.

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