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Chapter Six: Homesickness

Brittany sat up and turned her head over to an unconscious Ria. A sense of pride burst through her chest. That outta show the bitch to stay away from them.

She looked in front of her and saw the three boys glaring at her. It wasn't Brian nor Greg's glare that made her shiver. It was Alex's. He looked like he wanted to kill Brittany.

"I fucking told you not to hurt her," he gritted out.

Brittany furrowed her eyebrows and wondered what was so special about that girl. Alex never liked any girls, yet he's suddenly caring about some stupid girl he met a few weeks ago. He doesn't even like her.

Or does he?

"She's still alive, isn't she?" she smirked, getting up off the ground.

"You're just angry because she kicked your ass. What you did went against our rules. Technically speaking, Ria won the fight," Brian spoke up.

"I beat the shit out of her. She's fucking unconscious. How the hell did she win?"

"You know that grabbing ankles is against our rules," Greg told her.

"No one will follow the rules in the real world," she hotly replied.

"Well we're not fighting for the real world right now. This was supposed to be a light game where Ria DIDN'T get hurt," Alex tried to calm himself down.

"Oh, boo hoo, you're stupid girlfriend got a few bruises. At least now we won't have to worry about coming up with an excuse to get rid of her. Surely after this, she won't want to come back."


"She'll be a warrior when she grows up", the unknown feminine voice said in a proud voice.

"No doubt our little girls will make us proud someday," a males voice spoke to the first voice.

My eyes were open, but all I saw was darkness. Those voices sounded familiar, yet I couldn't make out who it belonged to. Feeling around, I tried to move around in what I assumed was a room.

It was warm and cozy, the feeling of homeyness hit me. Suddenly I felt homesick, but the strange thing was that I missed a place I didn't even know of. I missed that castle I had seen in my dreams.

"She's so beautiful," the woman's voice quivered.

My heart broke at the way her voice sounded. She sounded so distressed. But why. Who are these people, and why can't I see them.

"Hello", I called out. "Can anyone hear me? I don't know where I am."

A small light formed in front of me. It was bright white and formed like a circle. It got even brighter as I got closer. Just as I reached my hand to touch it, the ground beneath me began to shake.

"No. No. I have to find out where I am. No," I yelled.

The ground opened up, swallowing me whole.

Rias eyes ripped open, as she coughed up blood, spitting it out beside her. She clawed at her chest. She couldn't breath. Her lungs kept getting smaller and smaller, until her face began to turn red. She got on her hands and knees, coughing out the blood.

Ignoring the boys, she ran inside, grabbed a glass of water, and chugged it down like her life depended on it. She dropped the bloodied glass in the sink and tightly gripped the edge of the sink, leaning over.

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