The History of How it All Began

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Chapter Twenty-Two: The History of How it All Began

When her eyes open, a sense of dizziness and nausea hit her like a wave. She clenched her eyes shut to let it pass before she sat up. One at a time, she popped them open and took in her surroundings. Her eyebrows crinkled when she realized that she had been peacefully resting on a comfy bed. A boys bed to be exact.

The room was exactly how she'd imagined it to look. It was neat and tidy with maybe a few things out of place. The light blue walls contrasted with the dark blue bed sheets and black drawers gave it sims game look. The little bit of light that came from behind the white curtains was enough to illuminate the entire room. His mother had definitely done an amazing job with his room like she'd done with Lexys.

She ran her hands on the bed, stopping when she realized there was something cold lying next to her. She turned her head only to see Alex laying down with his eyes closed and his breath even. He looked so adorable, nothing like his rude boy personality.

Her brain then decided to question why he was sleeping next to her. Why was he even here? Was he sleeping or unconscious? And if he's unconscious, does it have something to do with her?

She looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was already six thirty. She'd been unconscious for two hours. Great. Just fan-fucking-tasting. This birthday is just so freaking amazing.

Just as she decided it was time to get off the bed, she realized two things. One was that on her other side was a wall and by the foot of the bed was his desk. And two, the only way off was over his body. She looked up, cursing her fate and let out a loud groan.

"Can the day be anymore shitty?" She immediately realized what she'd just said. "Actually you know what, please just ignore I said that," she mumbled to nothing.

With a grumble, she got onto her hands and knees, her leg flinging over him. Internally, she chanted, 'please don't walk up.'

But just like everything else in her life, this also went against her. Just as she was straddling him, his eyes flung open and he sat up, his chest bumping against hers. His face was only inches away from hers causing her breath to hitch. She felt his nose accidentally give her an Eskimo kiss, something that made an unwanted shade of pink crawl up her neck.

"I," she cleared her throat. "I can explain?"

"That sounds more like a question rather than statement," he replied.

"Look, it's your fault we're even in this situation."

He looked at her confused. "My fault? Exactly how, might you explain."

"Well, you see. You were... um... sleeping here. Yah. You were sleeping here and I wanted to get off and this was the only way off and I had to do it, so yah. It's your fault." She wanted to cross her arms over her chest, but that would make their compromising position even more awkward, so she avoided it.

"Actually, it's your fault. I just came here to check up on you and you went all crazy on me, grabbed my hand, did some voodoo magic, and knocked me out. The boys probably saw me and were lazy to carry me to another room, so they laid me next to you. Sorry, but you started it."

"I started it!" She gasped like it was the most absurd thing he'd ever said. "You and your little girlfriend are the reason I even left all angry. Oh and don't forget about the fact that you lied to me," she poked his chest, bring her face even closer to his.

"Ok, first of all, Brit is not my girlfriend. Second of all, I hardly said anything, it was mostly you two quarreling. And lastly, I have a very good reason as to why I hid my identity from you and I will tell you once we go downstairs," he replied.

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