Fairytale Dream

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Chapter Three: Fairytale Dream

The woman with long brown hair desperately ran caring a small child with her. She was extremely beautiful with brown waist length hair, golden hazel eyes, and a figure anyone would die for. She had the warrior look, yet somehow came out to also look like a majestic queen. It was surprising how anyone could look so fairy like.

I tried to strain my ears to hear what the words she was speaking were, but it was like no sound was coming out. She was yelling at someone behind her. Worry and panic etched her beautiful, young face.

The small child in her arms stared at her with big hazel eyes that seemed to capture every aspect of the mysterious sky. It was something I had never seen. Serene colors of yellowish gold, pink, and blue washed over the atmosphere. The clouds seemed to look almost a bright purple because of the sun that was slowly setting. It had to be the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen.

I could have stared at the sky for eternity if I hadn't been pulled out of my thoughts by two tall men and another woman. They all looked to be in their mid-twenties. It wasn't the fact that they were running that made me seem dazed, it was that fact that the four of them looked like they'd just stepped out of an Abercrombie and Fitch magazine. I couldn't even begin to describe how godly beautiful they look. It's like I was in Olympus staring at gods and goddesses.

The man with brown hair ran over to the woman carrying the baby. He looked like he was about to burst into tears. He too had magnetizing hazel eyes like the beautiful woman and the baby. The two looked to be related. The woman looked to be five nine while the man was about six foot.

With tears streaming down both their face, they shared a quick conversation. The fairy like woman looked like she was on the verge of breaking down, yet she managed to carry herself like a warrior. The man with brown hair pulled her into a hug that screamed brotherly love. He looked like a brother that didn't want to let his sister go. She pulled away just in time for him to hand her a white envelope. They shared some more talk before the man with black hair ran towards her.

This man was much taller than the last one, possibly six three. Like the others, he was built like a warrior. But like the woman, he reminded me of a young king. He had big brown eyes that looked so familiar to me. Now thinking about it, they all looked familiar, but I knew for a fact I had never seen them before. No doubt I'd remember such gods and goddesses.

He said something to the two and then the woman and the black-haired man broke out into a sprint towards a castle like mansion. My breath got lodged in my throat at how magnificent it looked. It was like I'd managed to enter the medieval times.

Refined windows were scattered across the walls in an asymmetrical pattern, along the symmetrical crenulations. The sun's rays hit the light creating a diamond like shine on the glass panes. Statues of queen like women were lined up alongside the castle as if to serve as a reminder of the past. A great gate and huge wooden door, a bridge that looked to be made of obsidian, and strong guards stood at the entrance of the castle. The guards looked intimidating, but I think that was the point.

I was about to set foot onto the bridge when suddenly the ground began to shake. In an attempt to save myself I searched for something to grab onto. But alas I was too late, the ground had begun to open up. I desperately clawed at the ground trying to prevent myself from falling in. My breath became ragged and sweat formed on my forehead. I strived to save myself from being swallowed by the monstrous ground, but all my attempts failed. The last thing I remembered before my vision went black was a blaring alarm like noise.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The alarm rang attempting to wake Ria from the nightmare that had taken over her peaceful slumber. Her eyes shot open as her body jerked up. Sweat coated her forehead and chest. Her chest felt constricted and on fire, her heart pumping erratically. She took a deep breath in only to break into a coughing fit. She clawed at her sandpaper like throat trying to breath. Her lungs felt like they were about to collapse. Reaching over to her nightstand, she grabbed a bottle of water she always kept at night. With shaky hands, she unscrewed the cap and took a big gulp of the heaven. Cold liquid poured down her throat finally letting her breath again.

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