Reach for the Sky

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Chapter Forty-Four: Reach for the Sky

The world around her had seemed to become a blur. Her perception of time became distorted, everything slowed down until there was nothing other than just her and the clear blue sky. Her hands reached out as if attempting to grasp the endless crevasse of blue.

Her eyes closed as she went down to her memories. The thing she didn't have all of. She began to think of all the things she did remember.

Her mom. The beautiful woman with big hazel eyes and long brunette hair. The warrior built woman who carried her self with pride and elegance. Ria had only seen certain glimpses of the woman, but whatever she'd seen, she memorized every thing.

Her dad. The handsome man with happy brown eyes and voluminous black locks. He seemed like the man who loved his children with every fiber in him. The type of man who would gladly lay down his life for his little kids.

Her siblings. She hadn't seen much of them but she knew they were out there. Maybe, just maybe, they were searching for her. Maybe they also had hopes of finding their little sister.

Angelika. The woman she considered her mother for sixteen years. Yes the woman had lied to her, but no matter what, she couldn't bring herself to hate her. Not once had she treated her any differently. She loved Ria like the little brunette had come from her womb.

Matthew. He was probably the one person she felt the most closest to. She'd seen him many times come to her rescue or get ready to fight the world for her. He loved his two girls so much that sometimes she was afraid he'd die if something ever happened to her. With what she was doing, she knew that her life was always at risk and the thought of her father hurting himself for her pained her.

Rose. The sarcastic little girl Ria loved dearly. The child was annoying as hell, but Ria couldn't imagine her life without her. The thirteen year old was always there to aid her, whether it be for homework or just moral support. She was the type of person who would constantly fight with Ria, but also stay up late nights with her to help her finish her essay she had procrastinated on.

Sara and Joey. The best things to have ever walked into her life. Those two were her life support. She knew that no matter what the situation be, those two would jump in to help her without even thing. They were her best friends, her siblings, her everything.

Greg, Brian, Oliver, Asher, and Norman. They were new in her life, yet it felt like she'd known them for a life time. Talking to them was easy and she knew she could count on them to help her.

And lastly, Alex. The blue eyed boy she'd once considered her enemy. It's so strange how she went from wanting to stab him to wanting the smash his face with hers. It was no secret that Ria felt something for him, but she knew there was no chance he'd ever like her back. The way he spoke about the princess made it seem as if he was waiting for her. A part of her envied the lost girl for already having the heart of the boy she'd never even met.

Speaking of Alex, why hadn't he come to save her? Was he going to let her fall? Does he still not like her?

'Focus,' a voice hissed at her.

'You must not lose your focus,' another voice, this time feminine, cooed.

The voices sounded benevolent and as if they were trying to protect her. Her mind seemed at easy. All the worries inside felt like they drifted away with the wind that was blowing her hair. All she felt was a sense of calm.

She took a deep breathe in and just let her self go. She let her mind focus on nothing, but the sound of the wind rushing by her. The chirps of birds near by rang in her ears sending a sense of calmness to settle deep in her bones.

She twisted her body so now she was facing the ground. Just as she opened her eyes, she felt her body come to a halt and something sharp jab into her side. She hissed out in pain when she noticed she'd stopped just in top of a sharp pole that was sticking out of the ground. Not only would she had splat against the ground like a fly against a window, but she would have also been impaled by the object.

She felt the blood ooze from her wound, but all her mind could register was the fact that she was flying. She had actually done it.

Gone were her days of just dreaming of floating among the clouds. Now she could quite literally feel them. Well, not literally, but that's not the point.

As happy as she was, the fact that she was pushed turned her mood sour. It got even worse when she realized that Alex had not come to save her. Was everything he had said before about trying to help her a facade? Had he built her trust in him so the two could come together at the end and kill her?

What had she done to them to have them treat her this way? And to think that she was slowly starting to develop something for him.


Drama. Drama.

Truth be told, I'm not the biggest fan of drama, yet I seem to always want to stir some up between my characters.

Then again, what's a good book without a tad bit of drama. Or in my case, a lot of drama.

Why do you think Alexander didn't save Ria?

As always, comment any errors and enjoy!!

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