She's Not Human

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Chapter Twenty: She's Not Human

Turning sixteen was something Ria had been waiting for since she was thirteen. Something about that certain number was just so important to her. She never realized why, but it made her feel like something big was going to happen on that day. And by big, she was talking about her sweet sixteen. The one celebration almost ever sixteen year old has just to prove to their family and friends that they're almost an adult. She wanted a sweet sixteen, but not exactly a traditional one. Just one with important friends and family. She didn't really fancy the idea of treating a bunch of ungrateful family members to food and a party.

Two months ago before all this nightmares stuff started, she had been immensely happy for her big day. She knew for a fact that her best friends would have something big planned out for her. Heck, she even knew what she wanted as a present and what she'd wear.

But, it all changed the day she went to Alex's house and those nightmares started. Not a day went by where she actually thought about herself and not those horrid dreams. Now, if someone asked her what she wanted for her birthday, they only thing she'd say was, peace of mind. The one day she'd been looking forward to turned out to be the worst day of her life.

Instead of celebrating with her close family and friends, she was screaming on her knees in the middle of the old abandoned playground. She cried, her hoarse voice carrying off into the forest. Not a single soul was in sight to witness the meltdown of the unlucky birthday girl. She screamed and cried so loud that she felt like throwing up. She could feel acid crawling up her throat, threatening to spurt out.

She felt the tiny prickles of needles stabbing at her skin, burning it with it's hot tips. Her insides boiled with unknown rage and pain. Her mind swarmed with negative filtered images, yet she still couldn't hear anything inside her head. It was still so quiet.

She was so occupied in her pain that she didn't hear two pairs of footsteps walking her way. She didn't see the eyes of the men that looked at her with bad intentions. She didn't feel the menacing thoughts that radiated off their minds.

They looked at the beautiful girl crying in the middle of nowhere completely alone. They looked at each other with big grins on their faces. The look they gave each other was filled with bad intentions. They could feel the power radiating off her. She wasn't human and something like that added even more thrill to their plan.

They had been casually walking around when they had felt a strange power boom in the atmosphere. It was so magnetic, pulling them towards it. They'd never felt something so strong. It was warm and electrical, but felt dangerous and angry. It was like a beacon for their kind.

"What's a beautiful girl like ya doing alone?" His voice was soft, yet strangely demanding. It was dropped an octave lower making it seem husky.

Through the tears, Ria lifted her head and gazed at the two men who stood directly in front of her. The first thing she noticed was how attractive they were, although, their grin was quite frightening.

The man who spoke was tall, just an inch or two shorter than Alex. His hair was black and gelled back, making it seem like he'd just stepped out of a seventies movie. His skin tone was beige and he wore a tight shirt that showed just how much muscles he had packed underneath it. His brown eyes watched her with mystery hidden behind them.

The other man was around the same height with light brown hair and blue eyes. His hair was longer and pulled back into a man bun. This guy wore a loose leather jacket with a white top underneath. His eyes watched her with lust that was definitely evident in his creepy grin.

"L-leave me a-alone," she coughed. All her crying and screaming made her voice scratchy and even dryer than before. The burning wasn't making anything better.

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