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"Hurry up, we need to get the children into the spaceships," Queen Talia yelled.  In her arms, she carried her new born daughter, Rinneas. Behind her ran her husband, Adam, their three-year-old daughter, Valenteena, and her nephew, Mikael.  "Where is Khristopher and Reina," she asked her husband as she placed her baby into her spaceship.

"They're still fending off Magnolias army," Adam replied, putting his young daughter and nephew into their spaceships.

He looked at his one year old nephew who, oh so innocently, played with his favorite blanket. The poor child didn't even know what his future held. Adam admired his innocence, but he knew it wouldn't last too long. Sooner or later, Mikael would find out about the difficulty his parents faced as they gave up their only child. It would crush his innocent little heart. After all, it was the curse of their people to remember every single detail of their life since the day they're born.

"I'm scared, Adam. I don't want anything to happen to them," Talia spoke softly to her husband, gazing into her new born baby's big hazel eyes.

Her heart clenched at the thought of never seeing them again. Fate was so cruel to separate a mother from her two little princesses. She had only known Rinneas for merely a few hours, but the bond had grown so strong. How could it not be strong though? She carried Rinneas in her womb for nine months and now that Rinneas is finally with her, she's being separated from her due to the horrible circumstances.

"There's no need to worry, the children are strong. They will together face the problems that come their way," he consoled his sobbing wife. It sounded as though he was speaking to Talia, but in reality, he was attempting to convince himself. He was trying to convince himself that this was for their best. That they'd have a happy life in which they wouldn't have to fear of dying every moment. All he wanted was for them to have a pain free life.

Little did he know that the place they were going to was far worse.

The children would grow up in a place where they don't have to constantly feel like they're in danger. He wanted them to grow up in a normal family, even if it meant he'd never see them again. He wanted to sob, but if he broke down than what would happen to Talia.

"It's time to send the kids," Khristopher yelled as he ran into the room they were in. From the distance, he could see the face of his beautiful little boy. Tears streamed down his face, but inside he was happy because he'll die with the memories of the one year he spent with his son. He'll die knowing his little boy is safe.

From the pocket of her pants, Talia pulled out three notes she had written earlier. She placed each letter into the individual spaceships of the children. Talia had written the letter because she wasn't sure of what the future would hold. She knew something bad was about to happen and she didn't want to leave the children unguided. They deserved to know what their lives held. Who they truly were and where they're futures shall lead them.

She had wished that Magnolia would not be successful in her unruly desires, but alas her wishes had not been heard. Her twin turned out to be even more powerful than expected.

"I hope these notes will guide you three in the future", she mumbled to herself. She knew that through these notes, the children will remember them. She didn't want them to forget her. Even though she knew eventually she'll be just a memory.

"Mommy, where are we going," questioned Valenteena.

Her innocent chestnut hazel eyes, that she'd received from Talia, held fear in them.  At the young age of three, Valenteena already knew that something was wrong. Why else would mommy and daddy look sad? She was scared, scared of being separated from her parents. A waterfall of tears streamed down her delicate little face at the sight of her mother crying. She couldn't stand to see mommy like this. The image of her mother was always of her as a strong warrior who never shed tears.

"You're all going to a better place, a place without evil," she wiped the tears away from her little princess' eyes.

Those eyes of hers should never hold tears. They are meant to hold bravery and confidence, not loss and desperation.

Talia knew that what she had told Valenteena was a lie, but she didn't have the courage to tell the truth. The truth is that Talia had never been to the planet she was sending the children. She'd only heard stories of how it was a place without magic. A place where people of their kind could live in safety and harmony.

But deep down she couldn't bring herself to believe that. Was there truly a place without magic or evil. Evil is something that can be born anywhere. It doesn't have a specific origin. She feared that maybe the evil would follow the children there.

'No. I can't be thinking like this. I have to pray that the children land to safety and live a peaceful and healthy life. I have to pray that Magnolia shall never cause any sort of harm to them. That maybe the spell shall work and they are free,' she thought to herself.

She couldn't imagine of all the horrible things Magnolia would do to them. Talia couldn't believe her sister had become such a monster. A monster who was willing to kill innocent people, including her own family. She felt disgusted by the fact that they were related.

"Will you and daddy be there," Valenteena asked, her sweet little eyes filled with purity and fear.

"Of course, my dear. Mommy and daddy will be there for you, always and forever, even if you can't see us," she lied, wiping the stray tear that fell down her eyes.

She left a soft kiss on the foreheads of the three Royals, then pressed the button that would forever separate them.

Talia's knees buckled under her and she broke into a hysterical sob. Tears fell down her face, soaking her clothes.

Adam put his arms around his queen in an attempt to comfort her. But even he knew that, that was not possible. His beautiful little girls had just been separated from them forever. How were they supposed to be calm and collected?

Reina stepped into the room just in time to see her little boy leaving. A sad smile formed on her lips at the thought of him being safe. But it didn't last long. The reality of her son being forever gone hit her causing her to completely break down.

Khristopher caught his wife just before she fell. The woman he'd known to be brave was completely broken down. He just held onto her and wept with her.

While the children were on their way to the mysterious planet, an asteroid twice the size of their spaceship, knocked Rinneas' spaceship off its course. Rinneas' spaceship went a different route from her sister and cousin, causing them to be separated.

Secret Powers (Book One of the Secret Series)Where stories live. Discover now