Proclaimed Dead

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Chapter Forty-Eight: Proclaimed Dead

Her heart was beating so slow that to anyone feeling her pulse, she'd be proclaimed as dead. Her mind was completely empty, not a image in sight. Those dreams that had haunted her had suddenly stopped.

"Ria," far away voices called out to her.

"Baby, please wake up. It's your mommy," a feminine cried out in a ear piercing shrill.

"Ria, please. This isn't a joke, honey, wake up," a manly voice joined in.

She felt a tug at her body. They shook her shoulders, her body swayed against the hardwood floorboards. Her heart began to pick up its rhythm finally bring her body back to life. The color flushed from her corpse spread through her once more. Her lips once again soft and her cheeks had a hue of pink.

"Princess," someone whispered. It was soft and held so much pain in just the tone alone.

Her fiery red eyes burst open, shocking everyone in the room. Her family jumped back at the sudden movement. She sat up and stared at the unfamiliar faces. Immediately, she shot up onto her feet and stepped back away from them.

They also got on their feet and stood up. "Ria?"

She cocked her head to the side, studying them. Who were they and why were they calling her Ria?

"Roh ver yen wistr?" She curiously eyed the strange crying people.

'Who are you people? Why is she speaking Yerny, the official language of Eroas,' Alex thought.

He watched the girl curiously eye balling them like they were some strange creatures. Her posture was in defense mode, like any moment she'd fight them.

"Qer ver yend trers lel tyew," Alex replied telling her that they are her friends and family.

"Ik hoon xes kej yen wistr." Friends and family? She didn't even know these people.

"Ria," the strange blue eyed boy called her. Who the hell was this Ria?

His voice was almost begging to her. The way he stood made it seem like he was trying to reach out to her. His eyes were glowing a sapphire blue. The shade of the dark Eroian night. The hues she had seen while leaving her planet behind. His enticing eyes brought back those memories she thought she'd never see again. The glow to them meant his emotions were strong. Why were they glowing for her?

"Roh ni uip Ria?"

She didn't understand where she was. What was happening? How did she even know how to speak? Last thing she remembered was being in her baby form.

She gazed down at her hands and body in surprise. She had the body of an adult, yet she remembered nothing other than the night she was born.

And the boy. Why did she feel a sudden pull towards him? He felt so familiar. Something about him made her want to go to him.

Matthew, Angelika, and Rose watched Ria and Alex talking in an unknown language. How did Ria even know this language? What were they saying?

Avina, Scott, and Allexys watched as she spoke their original language. She spoke their mother tongue so naturally as if she'd spoken it her whole life. No accent or incorrect words. Who really is Ria Davis?

"Yen.(You.)," What the hell did she mean who was Ria. She didn't even remember her own name now.

She gave him an incredulous look. Was this boy insane? He calls her an unknown name, then tries to tell her it's her. She was not this person.

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