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Chapter Thirty-Five: Focus

"I can't do it," Alexander exclaimed throwing his hands up.

"That's because you aren't focusing, Alex. You need to let go of everything else and put your mind only on this task," his father said as he set a reassuring hand on his young son.

"I'm trying. But I can't clear my mind," the five year old threw a fit.

All he wanted was to grow up and be like his fathe, but he couldn't, all because he wasn't able to focus. He'd been trying for days now, but the most he's done so far is create a single snowflake.

"How about we take a break?"

The little boy shrugged his shoulders, clearly disappointed in himself.

"Want to hear a story?"

Alex eagerly nodded his head. Story time had always been his favorite. He learned more about Eroas and the people there. He remembered a few things, but most of them was just the memories of him in his home.

They walked over to the couch where Alex cuddled up next to his father. The man that was his hero. He knew about his fathers job back in Eroas. He was King Adams first hand man and best friend.

"I've told you about Adam, right?"

"Yah, you said you were best frends and had grow up together," he said.

His father chuckled before he said, "yes, we were best friends and we did grow up together. But did I ever tell you the story of how I was once just like you?"

Alex gave his father a confused look. His adorable little face was scrunched up. How was his dad just like him?

"When I was around your age, maybe a few years older or so, I also had difficulties control my powers. Both my parents were soldiers to the royal family, so they weren't always there for me."

"But you and mom always there for me," his voice was soft.

"That's because I didn't want to be like my father. I wanted to always be there for my children. I grew up with hardships and had it not been for Adam, I probably would not have become the man I am today. Besides, Adam is the reason I met your mother. I own my life to him."

"He was good man?"

"The best out there. He taught me how to control my powers. Like you, I also had trouble staying focused. That's when he taught me a very helpful tip. When your anger gets too much, always think of one thing that brings you back. Back then, it was the memories of hanging out with Adam. Nowadays, it's of your mother," a smile appeared on his lips.

"What if can't tink of a memory?"

"There always has to be that one time you felt warm and happy. Something that caused you to feel like you were light and in the clouds. A memory so powerful you felt like you could just float away."

"The qween! When we saw her, I felt magic from her tummy. Warm and happy," he clapped his hands together because he'd finally found his rock.

His dad just nodded his head.

After that day, Alex had learned to control his powers. He still struggled a little, but it wasn't because of his lack of focus. His anger had still been a hassle for a while.

But even then, he still remembered how it felt to not be able to control his powers. He felt weak and lost. His powers were everything to him and not being able to control them was something he would never want to ever deal with again.

Thinking of Ria, bought back the memories of his childhood and he felt his heart race faster. If she was anything like him, she'd reek havoc. Especially since she had more powers. She was not ready to fight.

"We need to hurry up," Alex yelled at his friends.

"We won't make it there in time, we need to use my powers," Brian yelled back.

"He's right. We can explain everything to Sara and Joey later. Ria is our first priority right now," Greg agreed.

Alex nodded his head. He and Greg grabbed onto Brian as he began to use his powers. Alex felt every fiber in his body disintegrate into small little pixels as they began to get sucked into his phone. His head spun from the speed they were using to travel through cyberspace.

Brian had the ability to travel through cyberspace. All he had to do was make sure the device he was transporting to was on and he'd be there in no time. He could take other people in there with him, but he wouldn't bring objects out. Only what he took in there could be taken out. Nothing more.

Their feet hit the pavement and Greg felt like his insides would come out. He felt nauseous and light headed. Alex was alright except for the fact that his head felt heavy.

They shook it off and took in the scene in front of them. Sara and Joey stared at them with horrified faces. Both held onto each other for dear life. Joey looked close to peeing his pants and Sara looked like she wanted answers, but was to scared to know them.

When they saw Ria, they were surprised by how effortlessly she was controlling her powers. Her face was calm and the fire wasn't burning her clothes like last time. The air was warm, but not enough to burn anyone. In fact, the air felt quite comfortable.

She lifted her arm, a streak of lightning shooting from her palms towards the two people standing before her. They wrapped around them like vines, seizing control of every fiber in their bodies.

"Greg, get those two to safety. Now!" Alex shouted.

The redhead nodded his head as he grabbed Sara and Joey.

Ria felt her body feel weaker because of the amount of power she was emitting, but she couldn't stop. If she stopped, they'd get away. If they got away, they could come back and hurt Sara and Joey. They knew how they looked.

"Ria, I need you to slowly let go of them," a voice said from beside her.

It completely threw her off considering she hadn't realized more people had come to the scene. Her mind lost its focus and instead of shooting the lightning at the man and woman, she sent it hurling towards the person who she recognized as Alex. He flew back and hit a tree, the impact causing his back to make a disturbing noise.

The woman took Rias distraction as an opportunity to grab her by the neck and shoot the two high into the sky.

Ria felt the woman's hand squeeze her neck with such force that she felt lightheaded. She snatched at her hand, but couldn't get her to let go. When they were high enough, the woman's lips tilted into an evil smirk as she released her grasp.


Ok, so technically this chapter was supposed to be uploaded on Sunday, but I completely forgot about it. I was busy with work and I finally had time to chill with my family.

A little peak into Alex's childhood. Do you want me to show glimpses into the others childhood too, or no?

Anyways, as always comment the many errors I make and enjoy!!

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