Hypnotic Spell

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Chapter Fourteen: Hypnotic Spell

"So let me get this straight." Vedric tried to make clear of what the girl was saying. "You suddenly started having these nightmares and hearing voices inside your head."

Light Speed and Ria nodded their heads.

"Honestly, it seems like a medical problem to me," he shrugged.

"I'm sure her bleeding out of her nose and constantly fainting isn't normal. Is it? Something is wrong, Vedric," Light Speed sighed. He ran his hands through his disheveled, dark brown locks.

"Fine, let me see what I can do. You, uh, boy-" Vedric didn't know what to call him. Alex hasn't really had a name for his alter ego.

"Light Speed," Ria responded.

Light Speed groaned, smacking his head onto the glass case containing many types of herbs. He ran his fingers through his hair after lightly cursing at the ridiculous name. Couldn't she have picked a more better, possibly manlier, name?

Ria frown at his distraught over the name she had picked. Her eyes gazed at the way he was mumbling incoherent curses. He seemed to really dislike the name. But, why? She thought it was quite creative and cute.

"Right. Well, Light Speed, my friend. May I have a few words with you?" He settled his gaze back to the hazel eyed beauty. "Alone."

Light Speed sent a reassuring smile her way before walking with him towards the back of the shop. Dozens of herbs were held in small pots. Hues of green and brown poking from different places. Crystals he hadn't seen in years were closely placed inside a glass case. Antique looking books were set into a line on a big book shelf.

Light Speed quietly paced behind the man, almost tripping on vines a few times. It wasn't his fault though. They seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, purposefully tripping him. Oh, how he wished to kill them, but he knew that someday they might be of use to him.

Vedric suddenly stopped and quickly turned around causing Light Speed to run into him. "Sorry. What did you want to talk about?"

"Alex. Are you sure this child is not one of us?"

"I'm pretty sure. She heals normally and so far she hasn't done anything out of the ordinary," he curiously replied. Where was he going with this? "Why are you even asking that?"

"Because. This child, her aura is," he paused thinking, "it's very different. I've never seen it on someone human before."

Light Speed cocked his head to the side trying to understand what he was saying, yet he couldn't make it out. "I don't get it."

"Look. Some of us enchantors have this ability to see the auras of others. Hers is, well, foggy." He was confused. He didn't understand how that was even possible.

"Foggy?" Light Speed felt like an idiot asking these questions, but he truly had not understanding of what Vedric was saying.

"Alright, so normally humans have an aura around them that basically shows their emotions. For example, light green would show envy. Bottle green is jealousy and bluish green is greed. Blue is sadness and red is anger. It's similar to what these humans call 'mood rings'," he put quotations around the word. "For the girl, hers is just like how a fog looks. It's this strange whitish grey color as if something is blocking her aura."

"Do we have auras?"

"No, not that I know of. Even if we did, I can't see it," he shrugged.

"So what do we do? Do you think that fog is what's causing all this?"

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