The Musketeers

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Chapter Forty: The Musketeers

"Oh, yay, the three musketeers are back to being all friends and shit," Brittany said in a bored voice.

They ignored her and continued to place their lunch trays at the table. After Ria told them everything starting from day one, Alex invited them to their group table. The two were now a part of the team.

"Hey, Sara," Brian greeted.

She looked at him confused. What made him suddenly say hi to her. They'd barely ever spoken any words and the fact that he said hi to her only was strange.

After noticing the strange looks from the others, he quickly cleared his throat and said, "Hey, Ria. Joey."

They smiled at him and sat down.

"So what kind of cool stuff do you guys discuss about here," Joey excitedly asked.

Alex looked at him for a while and decided that now was the time to annoy him like he annoyed him and Ria.

"Greg, did you finish the pre-cal homework?" Alex asked, turning to his best friend.

"Seriously? That's so freaking mundane," Joey groaned in disappointment. "I was expecting you guys to be talking about kicking ass and all."

"Joey, my suddenly dense best friend, we are at school, a public place. Here we try to not talk too much about this stuff. We don't know who might be listening."

"This morning-"

"Was an accident," Ria finishes for him. "I was so caught up in my emotions that I foolishly forgot my surroundings. It was a mistake that won't happen again."

"Joey. Calm down. We can ask questions later. I don't know about you, but I'd like to not have yesterday's adventures become today's," Sara patted his back.

"Speaking of yesterday's, holy shit, you were so badass," Brian fanboyed.

His big green eyes lit up with admiration as his lips turned up into a cute boyish smile.

Something about his smile made Sara's heart skip a beat, but she immediately pushed down the feeling. Brian was not her type. He was way to childish at times, then again, she was no better. Sara might be the more mature one out of the trio, but even she had her days of childish escapades.

"Thanks, but it's really no big deal. The adrenaline rush was so strong I don't actually remember what I truly did," she shrugged.

"Sara, that was a big deal. As a," Alex stopped to look around and make sure no one was listening. When the coast was clear he finished," as a human, fight a stronger being like that takes a lot of courage and strength."

"In all honesty, I blame Ria. If she hadn't been so adamant on taking classes as a kid, I wouldn't have know anything."

Brittany let out an annoyed sigh. The girl was just as annoying as the dumb brunette. Why couldn't she simple accept the damn compliment and move on with her life. Her denying it would only make her stupid brother and friends praise her more.

"Did something I say bother you Brittany?"

"She's jus-"

Brittany cut off her twin, "actually yes. How about you just accept the stupid compliment and move on. No need to fish for more praise like a thirsty bitch."

"Brit, what the hell is wrong with you," Brian slammed his hand on the table.

Wondering eyes stopped to stare at the group. Alex told them to mind their own business with a menacing growl to his tone. His attention turned back to the blonde who was staring at him with annoyance and hurt.

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