"Why are you happy and smiley?" I asked being nosey "you got your back blown out?" I added hoping she'd answer one out the two "you look like you had your back blown out" Nattie added answering the question for her.

"I am a child of god I don't know what this blowing of the back is" she smirked acting innocent "Oh my gosh Mila this is a kiss and tell situation spill now!" I yelled we all knew she was hiding something from us.

"Well if you insist then I must fill you in on my wonderful week with an amazing man named Jordan" she finally gave in giving us the details.   I knew she wanted to spill from the jump but just wanted us to pester her about it.

"Guys he's really so amazing and it's scary how much I actually do like him, he texts me good morning and good night every day, he checks up on me to see if I'm good" she carried on listing all the cute things Jordan did for her "and I swear guys I tried to put my foot down and hold out but my damn feelings took over and I couldn't hold out" I held my hand over my heart as she spoke. I didn't know much about the guy but the way Mila was describing him made him seem to be a perfect guy, but we all knew there's no such thing as a perfect guy.

"Was it good?" Nattie interrupted wanting to know if the sex was good or not, I wanted to ask as well but I was going to let her finish reminiscing. "Biiiiiiiiiiiittchhh he had me crying out to God the whole damn time" she said fanning herself over the memory.

Once that left her mouth I couldn't control my laughter didn't she say she was a child of God a minute ago? "how you gonna call out Gods name in the most inappropriate situation, bet he was shaking his head the whole damn time" Nattie says shaking her head in disgust but then covered it up with a laugh "you needed that Mila now you can stop being snobby to other people's man" she added shading but congratulating at the same time.

"It's now your turn sis" they both looked at me up and down "don't worry about me I don't need it as much as you guys" I say turning away from them. Deep down I knew I was lying there were so many times I just wanted to say fuck it and let him take me then and there I mean have you seen Odell!?! It's crazy I've even lasted out this long, and I have a feeling this holding out was coming to an end soon.

The more attached I get to him the more I want to explore him in other ways and there was no doubt in my mind that he felt the same way. "I call bullshit do you see the way that man looks at you? And don't be thinking we don't notice when you stare him down like he's meat" Natalia called me out but I stayed silent rolling my eyes "I mean she does want his meat" Mila mumbled but not low enough because we heard it.

"Bitch just cause you got dick don't mean I need it too y'all need to leave me be" I argued getting annoyed that the conversation was still on my sex life "the way your acting lets me know that you really need it you need some so you start being nicer to people" I rolled my eyes at their speculation.

I believe I was a very nice person, I mean lots of people liked me so that had to mean something right and unlike them I didn't need sex to be happy I'm already happy without it.

The next day

Today started out has super busy but got even better as it went along. Nattie had a meeting with a designer who made a deal with us to help design my merch and the pop up shops. Then about five hours ago Scooter took me to some random meeting which I later found out was going to be one of the best things to happen to me. I met with one of the executives for covergirl and later found out that they wanted me as their new brand ambassador. After a briefing on the company which might I add wasn't needed because I was completely in, we had came to an agreement that I would be one of Cover Girls new ambassador.

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