Let's Get Outta Here

Start from the beginning

*When Jessamine tries to bypass him, he puts the gun he took from her to her head. Jessamine freezes and glances at him. He wore a smug smirk. But he had a familiar face. She started to squint her eyes and then let out a sigh*

Jessamine: Officer Patterson...didn't expect to see here...as a security guard.

Patterson: *shrugs* Meh. Since that bitch, Stacy, tried to send me away to a maximum security prison, I've had to..resign as an officer.

Jessamine: Tried?

Patterson: *nods* Bray stopped her rookie as he was about to take me. I don't know what happened to him.

*Jessamine's eyes follow Patterson as he walks behind her and pats her down. She rolls her eyes and flinches as he lingers and squeezes certain places, such as her thighs and breasts. He steps away from the door and pulls Jessamine back. She stumbles, falling onto him. He tilts his head towards the room door and the men that held Jessamine rushed to it. They counted down from three and kicked the door in. It was empty. Patterson stepped inside, with Jessamine on arm, and did a quick search. There were broken rails on the ground but that's it. He looked at her and smirked*

Patterson: Did you and that guard plan this?

Jessamine: *shakes head* Never met him before tonight.

*Patterson nods slowly and turns to his men*

Patterson: Search the floor. Tell the nurses that a dangerous killer is loose in the hospital and have them lock everything down. Now.

*Jessamine watches as the two guys nods and rush out the room. Patterson reaches in his pocket and pulls out handcuffs*

Jessamine: *looks back* What? Scared that I'll kick your as if I get my hands free.

Patterson: *laughs* No. I just don't want you running off without me.

*Patterson cuffs her and throws her on the bed. Jessamine grunts and turns to sit up but gets pushed down by Patterson*

Patterson: Ahahah. Stay right. There.

*Jessamine stares at him as he walks around her and takes his phone out of his pocket*

Jessamine: What are you doing? Calling for backup?

Patterson: *scoffs* No. *puts phone to ear* I'm calling Bray. We gonna be a little...late.

*Jessamine rolls her eyes and looks out the window. When she does, she can see Rick's body slowly go forward before falling off the barrier and into the bushes. It is also it this time when she sees a guy hobble near the entrance and pick something up. The man was wearing scrubs and he quickly stood back up and ran away. Patterson notices Jessamine's sudden change in demeanor and looks out the window in time to see the man get away. He looks at Jessamine before telling Bray he'll call him back*

Patterson: *hangs up and points out the window* That was your dad, wasn't it?

Jessamine: Last time I checked, my dad wasn't white.

*Patterson stares at her before taking his keys out and uncuffs one of Jessamine's hands. Once it's free, she starts trying to fight him but he quickly grabs her wrist before she could hurt him badly. He wraps the chain around the stable railing and cuffs her again*

Patterson: *smirks* Now. Don't you go anywhere doll face.

*Patterson walks out the door and could be seen pushing a heavy object in front of the door. Jessamine waits for about three minutes before  she starts struggling and kicking at the rail. She yanks and kicks and pulls at it but it's no use. She's stuck. Jessamine stops fighting it and just stares at the ceiling but when she does, she gets an idea. Jessamine rolls out the bed and looks around for something she can use to break her chain with. Looks over and spots a bedpan near the foot of the bed. She stretches out her leg and drags it back to her side with her foot. She picks it up and starts to hammer at the chain. The pan started to bend but the chain was beginning to flatten. Jessamine continued hitting the chain until it was as flat as it could get. She started yanking at the chain again and this time, the chain snapped off the railings. She laughed and held her arms up. She was free. She got back on the bed and looked up. There was a vent above it. Jessamine began to jump in bed and when she was high enough, she grabbed the vent cover and flailed around until it fell out. She got up and started jumping again until she grabbed the edge of the gap and pulled herself up. She begin to crawl through the vents until she could hear cars. She crawled a bit further until she was standing on top of a fan. She began kicking at the wall of the vent until it broke open and she fell out of it. She was outside. In plain sight so she had to run behind some bushes and wait. She saw a car speed out of the parking garage. But when it was about to go in the road, someone jumped out and the car came to a screeching halt. The same guy that she saw at the entrance popped out of the car*

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