Some Explanation...

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Maria: *widens eyes and crosses arms* Ex-fuckin'-cuse me?! You don't talk to a lady like that.

Dean: *puts hands on hip* Well I'm not talking to a lady now am I?


*Dean and Maria are now yelling at each other. Again. When Maria, Summer, and Del Rio got up to their floor, Dean immediately questioned Maria on Jessamine's past. He had to be careful though because he didn't want any of them finding out he had his memory back. Almost instantly, lies started pouring out her mouth. She said that Jessamine was a troubling child. That all she did was lie. She lied on her stepfather who saved her from her own father after he threatened to kill her, but Dean immediately called bullshit on that because he saw Tony and the way they acted around each other. Then, she said that Jessamine had a tendance of stealing her jewelry and money but Dean also called bullshit on that because she was in rags and had layers of dirt on her skin when he found her. Finally she started called Jessamine a whore because she slept with all her men and persuaded them to give her more money. And we all know how Dean knew that was a lie. That's why they're arguing now. As they yell at each other, Alberto and Summer sit together on Damien's plastic covered couch while Roman sits in his wooden chair with Stacy on his lap. Damien just glares at Alberto and Summer*

Roman: ....well then. We're getting more yelling than the truth.

Stacy: *looks at Summer* ....*looks at Roman and whispers* Ummm....Ro...

Roman: *looks at Stacy* What?

*Stacy motions to the left with her eyes. Roman looks and spots Summer glaring at her*

Roman: ....*pulls Stacy closer to him* Don't worry about her. She's just jealous.

Summer: *looks Stacy up and down* ....what are you doing with that cow?

*Stacy winces at the word cow. Damien shoots Summer an icy stare, making her jump*

Roman: She's not a cow, stick. *squeezes Stacy and rests his head on her breasts* She's a woman. *looks at Stacy* There's just more of her to adore.

*Stacy smiled and stuck her tongue out at Summer, who huffed and threw herself against the back of the couch*

Roman: Plus, *looks at Summer* I don't have to worry about breaking her.

*That made Stacy snicker but Summer was boiling mad. But then, she smiled*

Summer: will Galina feel about this?

Stacy: *reaches in pocket* Does this mean anything?

*Stacy pulls out a slender line of white gold*

Summer: *raises eyebrow* What the hell is that?

Stacy: His wedding band. Only he crushed it after an argument he had with his wife. So, *hugs him* He's mine.

*Damien grumbles something under his breath. Roman laughs at him and playfully punches him in the arm. Then...all hell breaks loose*

Maria: *stands up* AYE MAN FUCK YOU!!!


*Dean practically spat out that last word. Maria threw herself on him and started pounding on his chest and face. Dean gets his hand between the both of them and mushes her, knocking her on her ass. Roman stood up quickly because Dean had stood on his feet and he instantly knew this wasn't gonna be good. Stacy didn't prepare for Roman to stand up and slid off and on the floor. Summer snickered but stopped when Damien glared at her. Roman hopped between Dean and Maria and held his arms out, holding them both back. Maria was floating in the air as Roman held her back and lifted her in the air. Dean was trying to push Roman's hand off him but he had a tight grip on his shirt. Stacy stood up and rushed to bickering two and grabs Maria, pulling her back*

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