"Assalamualaikum Hussein. How was your flight? Your father called me to inform that you will be coming here on behalf off of them." Mr. Ahmed said.

"Wa alikum assalam uncle. My flight was okay. Thanks for inviting me uncle." I replied to him warmly.

I, then, turned towards Mrs. Ahmed and greeted her. She came and hugged me just like my mother. I gave her the bouquet which I bought before coming here.

She took it from me and ordered the waiter to place it on the table. I saw a woman standing beside her. I came to knew that the woman was Mrs. Ahmed's elder sister.

After talking with them for some more time, I excused myself and went upstairs where they had special arrangements for the youngsters.

As soon as I stepped inside, I saw that the girls had dropped their jaws on​ the floor. I winked at them making them squeal like a teenager.

Yeah, that's the effect I have on ladies, I smirked at the thought.

Alina, Mr. Ahmed's daughter, came towards me along with her friends, female friends to be more precise​. They surrounded me like the flies surrounding a sweet dish.

"Hey, Hussein. How are you? I am surprised to see you here." Alina said and gave me a tight hug.

"Hello, Alina, I am fine. I hope I'm a pleasant surprise." I replied to her.

"Oh, of course you are." She said and I saw that few girls were still squealing. They asked me click a selfie with them.

While they were clicking the pictures, I glanced around the room. There were few people standing here and there. But what I saw next took my breath away.

A beautiful girl wearing a cream coloured dress, looking so innocent that I almost believed that I was dreaming. She looked like a lost angel, so pure, so innocent, staring at me with her big green doe eyes.

When I looked into her eyes, my world stopped and my heart started beating faster.

What's happening to me? I never felt like this. I frowned at this foreign feeling.

But I quickly masked my feelings. I saw that the little girl was shivering because of my intense gaze. I smirked at her, knowing that I had the same effect on her.

She must have realised that she was staring at me and quickly averted her gaze. I immediately felt something in my heart. I didn't like it. I want her to look at me.

She again looked at me but this time I held her gaze and didn't allow her to avert her gaze. I can see that she was lost in my eyes. But, so was I. I forgot about my surroundings completely.

The thought of her having such an effect on me irked me. I hated this thing. I never felt like this. Just one look at her and my world has turned upsaide within seconds. With her innocence she is doing weird things to my heart. Things which confuse the fuck out of me. But still I preferred getting ost in her eyes.

But, much to my dismay, our moment was broken by the girls' squealing. They were shoving their phones in my face to take selfies with me.

I saw that Alina and the girl were talking with each other. She must be Alina's friend. But I haven't seen her before.

Who is she? I must find out. I thought to myself and went towards them excusing myself.

"Alina, you didn't introduce me to this little girl here. Who is she?" I asked Alina.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot. Hussein, this is my cousin, Aanya. And Aanya, this is Hussein, his father and my father are best friends." Alina introduced us to each other.

The Billionaire's Revenge ✔ (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now