Im Really Sorry Guys...

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I've been thinking about this a lot, for months now, and I've decided that Im going to end these imagines here.

Im really sorry, I know this one of my most popular books, and there are a lot of you that love reading them, but it just isnt the same for me anymore. As surprising as this may sound, I have grown as a person (not physically tho, still 5ft), to the point where Sleeping With Sirens is no longer one of my main interests. I appreciate them, and their music, for the things they helped me through, but because Im past that point in my life, I havent needed their music as much. I very rarely listen to them now, and if I could go back in time two years and tell my past self that, she'd slap me, cry, and tell me I was lying, because she'd never believe I'd stopped listening to them. I never thought I would, because I thought I would need them always, they were my saviours, my guardian angels, but now my life has sorted itself out enough that I dont need them anymore. I've learnt to deal with things a lot better, and my mental state has improved massively. Im no longer depressed, suicidal, or self harming. I still have crippling anxiety, but that was never helped by Sleeping With Sirens. Their music will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will forever be grateful for the things they've done for me, but from this moment forward, they are officially no longer my main obsession.

My music taste has become far more varied over the past six months. I've learnt to become far more open minded about what I listen to, and I can now appreciate any kind of music, I can understand the appeal behind any song you play me, whether I would listen to it myself or not. As I said, I've grown a lot as a person. Im no longer "ew gross how could you listen to THAT, THIS is what REAL music sounds like" because in my opinion, that's a stupid and immature reaction towards anything. Everyone has different tastes, because everyone is different, just because someone doesnt like Sleeping With Sirens, doesnt mean they have bad taste, it just means they appreciate different things. I no longer have a specific favourite band, or favourite artist, but rather a range of artists that I thoroughly enjoy listening to.

This is not to say my fangirling days are over, or that I will stop writing on wattpad. My writing days are far from being over, I am constantly getting new ideas for stories and imagines, it's just that now, those ideas dont involve Kellin, Jack, Justin, Nick or Gabe.

I still love them all dearly, as I said, and just because Im no longer "emo" doesnt mean that I'll start hating them, because I could never do that. Hell, I used to be a massive Justin Bieber fan back when My World came out, and I still go back and listen to that album regularly, Im not one to hate on past musical obsessions of mine, because I can still remember the appeal they had, and the nostalgia they bring with them every time I hear them.

I dont come under the "emo" label anymore. I dont really come under any labels at all. Im just me. Teeny tiny, overdramatic, obsessive, anxious, bubbly, banterous and British Heather! I have my own style, rather than sticking to any sort of specific style advertised, and I have my own tastes. Im my own person.

I suppose you could say I grew out of my emo phase, or I simply learnt to appreciate more things, and then my mind became so open that I didnt need to confine myself to only wearing emo things, and listening to emo music.

But, to all of you, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for being there for me, encouraging me, and making me laugh with your hilarious comments. Thank you for cheering me up, and being part of the reason I got through my depression. You guys, this fandom, have always made me feel like I belong somewhere, to a community. You taught me that it's ok to be who I am, and people will love me for that. So thank you, so, so much. And I hope my writing returns the favour to some degree ;)

As I said, I will continue writing on wattpad, but not about Sleeping With Sirens. Feel free to unfollow me if you're a cringey emo rawr xD tween that pretends they actually know what myspace is, Im past that phase now, thanks. I've had a lot of fun here, and I hope all of you had too.

So, for the last time, goodnight my dudes, and I hope you have a good one ^_^

~ Love, your favourite British hobbit, Heather

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