Drunk Karaoke Seducing

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: Yes I have an unhealthy addiction to the sws cover of Santeria. Leave me alone. Its fucking perfection. Not to mention the fact that Kellin sings the word "daddy" twice and the words "mah baby" about 19294940320203 times which is just fuCK YES! Enjoy dis frenz. 2 updates in one night and they arent connected! Dis is a rare and special occasion bc of Live And Unplugged lemayo XD )))))

It was safe to say you were a little tipsy at this point in the night. What was originally supposed to be a "small gathering of close friends" was now a "drunk and hilarious karaoke party with whoever the fuck is down". You are sitting up at the bar with your girlfriends, kicking your legs as you sit on the bar stool. There's a man standing in the corner with his friends, and the two of you keep making eye contact and smiling at each other, you're basically married. He is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous, and you'd happily go home with him tonight, but your one sober friend was preventing all of your group going home with strange men because she was sensible. Fuck her, she's such a killjoy. Then again, so are you, but you're pretty sure she isnt a hardcore fan of mcr. Anywhore, back to the beautiful specimen over there. He's uber attractive. Ugh, who even says "uber" anymore!?! Who cares, you're drunk, fuck it. He's not ridiculously tall, he isnt 6', but then again you are a hobbit, so tall guys from your perspective arent particularly tall compared to others. He has long black-ish hair, its shaved at the side, and you kinda dig it, you can see his face even from the side, which is fucking awesome because he's hot, as we've already established. You can tell that him and his friends are all drunk too from the way they're all swaying slightly on the spot. If you were standing up, same. The godlike specimen grins at you before turning to his friends and explaining something to them, before he makes his way up to the karaoke stage to talk to the dj. Him and the dj exchange brief greetings and song choices, then the man smiles at you with the mic in front of him.
"Hey there everyone, uh, Im Kellin, and Im going to be singing Santeria, because, uh, its one of my-Jack I swear if you dont stop trying to make me laugh-" He turns to his friend and bursts out laughing, clutching the mic stand so he doesnt fall over completely. Kellin pulls himself back up and composes himself. "-As I was saying before that fucker interrupted me, Im going to be singing Santeria, because its one of my favorite songs. Oh yeah, and Im dedicating this song to that gorgeous babe down there! I dont know your name, but you've been catching my eye all night, and you're beautiful, so this one goes out to you!" He grins as he points at you, your cheeks grow pimk as you laugh and raise your drink at him, before taking a sip. Kellin laughs "Ok, lets do this shit!" Then he starts to sing, and you sit there in shock, his voice is fucking beautiful too!

" I don't practice Santeria
I ain't got no crystal ball
Well, I had a million dollars but I, I'd spend it all.
If I could find that Heina, and that Sancho that she's found.
Well, I'd pop a cap in Sancho and I'd slap her down.

What I really wanna know, mah baby,
What I really wanna say I can't define.
Well, it's love, that I need. Woah...

My soul will have to wait till I get back, to find a Heina of my own.
Daddy's gonna love one and all. " Your jaw drops as he winks at you. Daddy. Fucking daddy. You officially just got turned on for the first time by a stranger singing the word "Daddy" seductively while drunk.

" I feel the break, feel the break, feel the break and I gotta live it up.
Oh, yeah, uh.
Well, I swear that I.

What I really wanna know, mah baby.
What I really wanna say I can't define, got love make it go.
My soul will have to wait for a guitar solo! " He announces before he starts to dance drunkly on the stage as the instrumental begins to play. Kellin dances and beckons you over, you giggle and roll your eyes playfully, before climbing off your stool and sauntering over to him. He grabs your hands and pulls you onstage to dance with him. You cant stop laughing, blushing and shaking your head at his drunk moves. He dances with you with one hand so that he can hold the mic and continue singing.

" And I really wanna say, mah baby.
What I really wanna say is I've got mine, and I'll make it, yes I'm coming up.

Tell Sanchito that if he knows what is good for him he best go run and hide.
Daddy's got a new Forty-Five. " Kellin winks at you again and your heart skips a beat.

" And I won't think twice to stick that barrel straight down Sancho's throat.
Believe me when I say that I got somethin' for his punk ass. " He signals at the other guys in the bar, the ones that had wolf whistled at you and other such things throughout the night. Now they know that Kellin is gonna keep you by his side, they wont try anything.

" And I really wanna know, mah baby.
And I really wanna say is there's just one, way back, and I'll make it, yeah.
My soul will have to wait, yeah, yeah, yeah. " The fact that Kellin can actually sing, even when drunk, has shocked everyone in the room. Everyone applauds, but Kellin doesnt seem to notice, or care, because he's just staring at you and grinning.
You turn to face him and smile shyly "You have a phenomenal singing voice, Kellin."
Kellins grin widens "You have a beautiful smile, mah baby!" He sings.
You giggle "My name's (Y/N), but I guess-" you sing the next part "-mah baby-" Kellins eyes widen "-works too!"
"You have a gorgeous voice!" He announces.
You shake your head "Its nothing compared to yours, but thank you!"
Kellin pulls you into him unexpectedly, wrapping his arms around your waist "So, will you be, mah baby?" He sings the last part.
You giggle and shake your head "Buy me a drink tonight, take me out to dinner when you're sober, and then we'll see!"
Kellin laughs and nods "Alright, I can roll with that! But...can I ask for just one thing tonight?"
You raise an eyebrow "Like what?"
"A kiss? Just one? A little, teeny, tiny, perfect kiss?" He practically begs.
You laugh and nod "I guess a kiss is fine!"
Kellin smiles brightly "Rad, thanks!" He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and cups your cheek gently "You're so beautiful (Y/N)..." Kellin whispers. You blush a violent shade of red as your hands meet at the back of his hand, carefully wrapping locks of his hair around your fingers. Kellins eyes close slowly, and yours do too as he begins to lean in. Your lips touch, only briefly, before Kellin pulls away nervously, but you can see it in his eyes that he didnt want to pull away, he just doesnt want to rush you. Your fingers grip his hair as you bring his lips back to yours, missing the feeling of his lips on yours the second they'd gone. Kellin pulls you closer and smiles against your lips, obviously happy by the fact you want to kiss him more. You pull on his hair lightly and he sighs into your mouth, causing shivers to run up your spine. You pull away first, gasping for air, Kellins lips peck yours repeatedly as he desperately tries to savor the taste of your lips.
You giggle as you catch your breath "Screw the drink and the dinner date, I'll be your baby right fucking now!"
Kellin grins "Really!?!"
"After that kiss!?! Fuck yeah!" You smile widely, your face inches away from his.
Kellin smirks "As you're-" he starts to sing again "-mah baby-" you laugh, he continues "-can I take you home with me and let my body show you some lovin'?"
You bite your lip and blush, instantly knowing what he's suggesting, you nod "Definitely, but we'll have to sneak out of here, because my sober friend will stop us if she sees us, she's dedicated to keeping us out of trouble tonight."
Kellin wiggles his eyebrows "Am I trouble?"
"Seducing me with your singing and kisses before we'd even gone out on a date!?! You are BIG trouble Kellin!" You respond.
Kellin smirks darkly "You'll find out just how big I am when I take you home." Your jaw drops "C'mon, we'll go out the back, the dj loves me, he'll let us out that way. Its also closer to my car, and the faster we get to my place the better, because Im physically aching for you."
You blush "LETS FUCKING GO!"
Kellin laughs and swings you up into his arms, running out the back exit while carrying you bridal style.

This is gonna be 10/10...


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