About Me (The Author) + What I Look Like

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Im not gonna do a shitty fact file or anythin here guys.

When I was younger, if I ever got a new diary, the first page was always a fact file, I thought that one day I'd look back and compare the different favorite things or whatever, but I lost all of those old diaries lmao oops.

So basically, my real name is actually Heather, Im British af, but not the posh British. I have the a very similar accent to Dan Howell, but not as articulate cuz Im lazy.

I watch a fuck tonne of youtubers, but my favorite youtuber ever is JackSepticEye. Nick and Justin from sws have acknowledged my existence by liking my pics on instagram, the sws official twitter messaged me privately and responded to my letter, and an amazing person told Kellin about me when she met him, and he said he loved me too and to give me a hug from him. I cry a lot about all of those things.

I am in fact emo af and extremely depressing, also jokingly suicidal (basically the female LeafyIsHere tbh).

I call everyone "dude", "bro", "fam", "man", and "bruh" no matter what gender they are, its not a sexist thing, everyone is equal dudes to me lmao.

For a long time I thought I was 4'11 but it turns out Im only 4'8 so like brb while I throw myself into the sun.

Surprisingly, the first band I ever got addicted to was Black Veil Brides, and when watching one oftheir videos on youtube, If You Cant Hang showed up in my recommended section. I clicked that and fell in love, but I wasnt a fan or airscreaming at first. Just think about that. I was obsessed with Black Veil fucking Brides and didnt like screaming. Idek man. Anywhore, I only listened to the sws acoustic EP at first, then I listened to their other stuff, and I realized they were my band, everything I had ever looked for in music, and everything I hadnt looked for that I should've been. I've been a fan of sws for about a year and a half now.

Idk if I've done a face reveal thing before. At one point my profile pic was actually my face, but a lot of shit has happened since then, and the amount of people that know me has grown dramatically, which is kinda scary. I havent gotten to the point where people recognize me out in public, (which is largely due to the fact that, even if I was literally the most famous person ever, I rarely leave my house) but if that ever becomes a thing...Idk what my reaction will be honestly. Shock, obviously, and anxiety over talking to someone that maybe hasnt talked to me before, but probably mostly just happiness and confusion at being recognized for my passion. Anywhore, here's my most recent picture of my face that I have not yet regretted so much that I physically deleted every record of it ever!

 Anywhore, here's my most recent picture of my face that I have not yet regretted so much that I physically deleted every record of it ever!

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Im already regretting putting my face on the site that the most people know me on omg. Im realizing this was a terrible idea and I will probably delete this soon cuz I hate my face lmao oops.

My hair is naturally sunkiss blonde, I dye it black and have been for almost a year. I have grey eyes that I originally thought were blue, but no, they're grey, which I kinda like, cuz its a rare eye color tbh. I dont smile in selfies, and for good reason, TRUST ME. I have tiny hands and feet (size 3 and a half yo fight me). Im smol af.

I really dont like my face in that picture fuck. Ugh. Why did I do this.

So yeah.

If any of you happen to be in the English countryside, and you ever spot me, maybe in Norwich or somethin (either hmv or McDonalds ok those places are my homes. ESPECIALLY hmv fUCK YES) or the movie shop place thing that sells all the Doctor Who merch I've ever wanted (they also sell figures from classic sci-fi movies, they have an alien from Aliens that is like £180 or some shit! I think thats around $190? But Idk lmao) feel free to come say hi! I will no joke be more anxious than you. If you're too shy to talk, make a really loud reference that I'll understand. Or pig snort. That works. Or stand next to me when Im looking at something and just say "Kellin Quinn" and I will know you are one of my children yo wots up. None of you will prolly ever see me irl tbf but Im slightly OCD and like to plan all this shit out so thnx. If any of you are ever in England tho, let me know! It'll be top notch banter fam. XD

What am I doing with my life.

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