The Scars On Your Thighs

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: This was requested by - ArronLove45 a while ago and Im really sorry for taking so long. Im writing like 4 fanfictions and another 3/4 imagines books atm and Im struggling to get shit done for everyone. I hope you like it! XD )))))

"Damn! Even my shirts look better on you!" Kellin bites his lip as you stroll back into the living room, wearing his Kick Me shirt that hangs just above your knees.
You giggle "No way man, you looked fucking perfect in the Kick Me video!"
Kellin makes his way over to you and pushes you lightly into a wall "Not as perfect as you." He whispers in your ear before kissing you neck softly.
Kellin pulls away slightly and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his lips to yours. He kisses you passionately, as his hands wonder your body. At first, you dont mind, he's a very touchy and clingy guy, and you find it adorable. That changes, however, when he lifts the Kick Me shirt up and begins to caress the sides of your thighs. SHIT, ABORT MISSION, ABORT MISSION!
You pull away from him and his eyebrows furrow "Whats wrong baby? Are you ok?"
You nod frantically and move away from him "Y-Yeah, I, uh, just remembered I have thing that I...need to do, uh, I'll be upstairs..." You stumble over your words before running upstairs to the bedroom that you and Kellin share.
You fling yourself onto the bed and quickly bury yourself under the covers, pulling your iPad out from under your pillow and going on wattpad to secretly read fanfiction. If Kellin asked, you would tell him that your favourite wattpad author was due to update their fanfiction and you were desperate to read it. Yes. Perfect excuse.

Kellin joins you in bed a few minutes later, to see you scrolling through your wattpad library.
"What're you doing baby?" He asks quietly as he wraps an arm around your stomach and curls into your side.
"Just reading some fanfiction. What're YOU doing?" You ask him back.
He sighs "Wondering what I did wrong to stop my world from kissing me. I feel terrible. I must've done something wrong. Please, tell me what I did baby, so I can fix this and kiss you again!" Kellin begs.
You bite your lip. Should you tell him? "You didnt do anything Kels, it was my fault, I panicked and backed out of it."
"But why?" Kellin asks, sounding slightly scared.
You sigh "Remember I told you that before you and I found each other, I was a total wreck? I was self harming and suicidal and shit?"
Kellin nods and takes a deep breath "Y-Yeah...I remember...why?"
"Well...the reason I backed out earlier, is because your hands were touching my thighs...and Im extremely insecure about them..." You explain, hoping he'll understand why.
"Baby, you have the sexiest legs on the fucking planet, you dont need to feel self conscious of any part of yourself!" Kellin argues.
You shake your head "No, no, no, Kellin, thats not what I mean. What I mean is, I have always hated my thighs, and different parts of myself, and when I was going through a difficult time, those are the parts of me that suffered the most..." You hint.
Kellin thinks about this for a second, before he gasps. "Your thighs have scars on them and you're too scared and insecure to let me see and touch them?"
You nod, staring at your iPad screen, not saying anything.
Kellin sits up and takes your iPad, turning it off and putting it on the floor beside the bed. He kicks the covers back until they're on the floor too. You speedily cover your thighs with the Kick Me shirt you're still wearing. Kellin turns to you with pleading eyes. "Please baby, let me see, I promise I wont leave you or hate you because of your scare, I promise to stay by your side no matter what."
You take a deep breath and hold it, closing your eyes and nodding quickly.
Kellin takes his chance and carefully pulls the Kick Me shirt back up your thighs to see what you're so self conscious about. You hear him breathe in shakily as he catches a glimpse of your scare. You open your eyes and see tears in his. He still hasnt seem them all yet.

When the Kick Me shirt is literally only just covering your underwear, Kellin stops and stares. You feel the, almost impossible to fight, urge to pull the Kick Me shirt back done again, but you try to ignore it. Kellins fingertips gently dance across your countless scars. The sheer number of them is enough to have left Kellin speechless. You place your hand on the side of Kellins face, his eyes instantly dart up to yours, and your gazes lock.
"Please, (Y/N), dont ever do this again. And, if you should ever feel the need to do this to yourself again, find me. I dont care where I am or what Im doing, just find me. If Im on tour, text me, call me, FaceTime me, and I will be there, I promise. Just please, dont hurt yourself anymore." He begs with tears in his eyes.
You smile slightly at him "Kels, because of you, I no longer get the urges to self harm. You saved me, remember? Sure, sometimes I feel low and want to cry, and sometimes the THOUGHT of self harm crosses my mind, but nothing more than that."
Kellin shakes his head "Either way, I need you to promise me that you will find me if you do."
You roll your eyes playfully "Fine, but only so you dont worry your sexy ass! I promise."
Kellin breathes out a sigh of relief "Thank you baby. Now, I want you to know that I still love you. No matter what you have done to yourself in the past. I love you for you, and your scars are a part of you now. You mean the absolute world to me, and I cant live without you. (Y/N), you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I mean that."
Now YOU have tears in YOUR eyes. You dont know what to say, because there are so many things you could say, and you cant decide. Eventually, you respond with the one thing that tells him everything "Kellin, kiss me."
You hope he understands what you mean, because you mean so many things: Your heart beats only for him. Your life isnt worth living without him. You love him more than life itself. You need him so bad, all the time.
And you know he understands you, because you see him stare deep into your eyes, into your soul, as though he reads your mind, then he smiles, and kisses you.

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