You're A Director

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: So I actually did a request for the first time in 3 centuries, who even am I, right? Anywhore, this was requested by the adorable:
@FandomRandom34 (wouldnt let me actually tag you and Idefk wattpad hates me) so I hope you like it and I apologise for this taking so long, truth be told I just procrastinated and did nothing productive. XD )))))

~ Your POV ~

You stare out of the plane window, enjoying the view of the clouds below you, and the unusual comfort you've always found when sat in a plane seat. You tear your gaze away from the sky, and open up your laptop, before heading into your previously opened word document, and continuing to type out ideas. Considering the song seemed angry, and it is obviously a rock song, a concert setting would be ideal, so you'll need to arrange for the band members to record some concert footage for that when touring, or hold a special one-night concert in London purely for this music video. If that's the case, why not get the fans involved even more, and invite those who show up the earliest to mime along with the lyrics privately with the band? You speedily type our your ideas for the music video you're flying to London to film, with a band you've never seen or heard of, for a song you've listened to on a loop for the past eight hours. Your job is just great for your social anxiety.

With a relieved smile, you close your laptop, and place it back in your bag, preparing for landing in London, ready to revisit the streets you've been familiar with since you were 14. You hated it here at first, because you had to leave your best friend behind, but eventually, you realised it was better to suck it up than to continue moping, so you got on with your life, and just moved on. Now, here you are, a successful music video director, that has worked with countless bands on multiple projects, and has even gotten to star in some music videos yourself! You can relate to a lot of the band members you work with, because you're travelling around almost all year round too for various projects and music videos, as they do when they're touring, which is probably why you get along with and understand them all so well.

As soon as you step off the plane, you are slapped in the face by a cold British breeze, and a few drops of rain, before it then starts to fucking chuck it down. Oh god, the British terminology is already returning to you. You quickly retrieve your bags, and exit the airport, where a cab picks you up, and takes you straight to a meeting with the band members, their agents, and their managers, because, y'know, fuck giving you any time to shower or sleep after a long ass flight from Oregon to London.

Almost as soon as your body is out of the taxi, it is speeding down the road to your hotel, with all of your luggage except your handbag, which has your laptop containing all of your music video plans on it. You rush inside, aware that you may already be late to this meeting, and you are yet to see if your current physical state is suitable for public viewing. You locate the nearest ladies toilet, and begin brushing your hair, touching up your makeup, and brushing your teeth. As someone who travels, you have learnt to take almost all of your essentials with you in your handbag, even your toothbrush. Once you're ready, you step out of the toilets, and stroll over to the front desk of the office building.
"Hi, sorry I kinda just rushed past you, but I just got off a super long flight and I needed to make sure my appearance wouldnt scar anyone, so can you tell me where the meeting for the Sleeping With Sirens music video is being held?" You ask the lady at the desk, who is at least 50, has bright orange hair, and decided to opt for pink winged eyeliner this morning. What a bold statement that you have no right to judge her for making because this is a free country and the world is a beautiful place.
She laughs slightly "Of course love, room 5, and dont worry, the lead singer still hasnt arrived yet, so you wont be the last one in!"
You smile at her "Thank you so much!" You then begin speed walking down the corridor until you locate room 5. You knock on the door gingerly.
"Come in!" You hear a male voice call from inside, so you gently push the door open, and stroll into the room, closing the door behind you before turning to face the men.
There are several men all sat at a large table, and you are instantly lost.
"Ok, hey, hi, hello, Im (Y/N), can we please clarify who the band members are because I have not had time to watch any videos or interviews and I dont want to start making references to the wrong people." What a way to introduce yourself.
One of the men, who previously had his back to you, turns to face you and laughs slightly. He looks kind, and you like his hat.
"Im Nick, the lead guitarist-" Nick points at his friend beside him, who is sticking his chin out "-this is Jack, the other guitarist-" Nick then points at the man directly opposite him, who is wearing a snapback backwards and has a Jaws tattoo on his hand "-that's our bass player Justin-" and lastly, he points at the guy sitting diagonally from him, who is wearing sunglasses indoors "-and that's Gabe, the drummer. We're still waiting for the diva vocalist to arrive, so we'll wait until he gets here and he can introduce himself while apologising for being so late."
You smile gratefully at Nick "Thanks! It's really nice to meet all of you! I'd just like to inform you all that I literally got off a plan about half an hour ago, I have not eaten anything besides those really dry plane biscuits, I have consumed no liquids apart from coffee, and I have not slept in 4 days, LET'S GET STARTED!"
The band members, and even their agents and managers, laugh at your comment as you sit down at the head of the table, leaving only one empty seat directly opposite you at the other end of the table for the lead singer.
You open your laptop again, and look over your notes "I dont know quite what you guys had in mind, so while I was on the plane I was listening to your song, Kick Me, and decided to start noting down what I thought would suit the song...?"
Gabe smiles at you "Tell us what you thought of, we have no fucking idea at all, so it's great that you planned in advance!"
You grin and nod, before beginning to read out your notes "Basically, because the song sounds pretty hardcore, I figured a concert setting would be good. I dont know if you guys are touring right now, or if it would be possible to hold a one night show here for you to get some footage, but I think that would work well. I also considered the idea of getting the fans involved and inviting some of them on set to mime the lyrics of the song with you guys, so they get the chance to be in a music video, and also the chance to meet you guys?"
Justin claps excitedly "That sounds fucking awesome!"
Just then, the office door swings open, and a man runs in, panting, and almost falling over, his long-ish black hair covering most of his face.
"Sorry...Im late...I got...held up...outside...fangirls...fucking everywhere!" He explains between gasps. Ah, this must be the lead singer.
Nick stands up to pat his bandmate on the back supportively "Sorry to hear that man, now sit your ass down, this girl (Y/N) has some awesome ideas for the Kick Me video!"
The lead singer nods and sits down at the other end of the table "Hi (Y/N), it's cool to meet you, Im Ke-" He begins to introduce himself, but when his eyes meet yours, he cant finish his sentence. Suddenly, the world freezes.


"Ok (Y/N), suck it up, c'mon, this is your LAST CHANCE to tell him! Honestly, it probably would've been better if you did this earlier, because even if he does like you, you're fucking off tomorrow, so you'll have to put up with a long distance relationship until god knows whe-IT DOESNT MATTER WE'RE DOING THIS NO-I am arguing with myself in broad daylight." You stop walking, to facepalm, before continuing your walk to his house in silence, scorning yourself for literally turning into Gollum again.
You're on your way to see your childhood best friend: Kellin. The two of you have been inseparable since you were 4, and now, after almost 10 years, you are going to confess your feelings towards him. You decided to leave it until now to tell him, because you and your family are literally moving to London tomorrow, and he doesnt know, so if he doesnt like you back at least you'll never have to face him again. You have a bad fear of rejection, to say the least.

You rest your head against the plane window, tears still streaming down your cheeks as the town you have known and loved for 14 years disappears from view, and his words repeat like a mantra in your head.
"Im sorry (Y/N), but I dont feel the same. I love you, but not in that way. I guess, as I've never really seen you in that way, I never saw you as my type. Im sorry."
You thought that leaving now would be a good thing, considering he doesnt like you back, but now it's like you can feel every inch of space between the two of you, and the further away from him you get, the more it hurts.


You blink away the tears in your eyes, and Kellin clears his throat "Im, uh, Kellin."
You nod, unable to say anything.
Jack raises an eyebrow at you "Are you ok (Y/N)? You've gone really pale all of a sudden?"
You nod frantically "Y-Yeah, Im, uh, fine, sorry."
Nick smiles at you "Tell Kellin about your ideas for the video!"
You shake your head and stand up "Sorry, I just need some air, I'll be back in a bit." You speak quickly, before rushing out the door, and almost running until you're outside again.
You run your fingers through your hair, what were the fucking chances of seeing him again!?! Of all 7 billion people on this goddamn planet, HE had to be the lead singer of the band you're directing the music video for!?! And what were the chances of him looking even better than he did as a teenager, and 100% reigniting the feelings you had for him? Fuck sake. Let's just take a few more steps forward, into the traffi-
"(Y/N)? Is it really you?"
Your eyes close in a pained blink. You cant run from this.
You turn to face him, and open your eyes as you nod at him "H-Hey Kellin..."
He frowns "Is that it? Seriously!?! You fucking abandoned me without saying a word, you were my best fucking friend, and you left me like I was nothing! I found out where you went through our fucking history teacher! And even after that, I tried to keep in contact with you, and never got any fucking response, what the fuck happened to you (Y/N)!?!"
You stare down at your shoes "I got my heart broken." You mumble.
Kellin raises an eyebrow "What? I didnt hear you."
You sigh and look up at him "It took me 10 years to pluck up the courage to tell you how I felt, and when I did, you told me I wasnt your type, made me feel like I wasnt good enough for you, and I never would be! You didnt just fucking friendzone me, you treated me like a piece of shit Kellin! I chose to tell you so that I could run away if things went bad, and I did end up running away, because I knew things would never be the same after that. And yet, you saunter back into my life after all this time, only for me to realise that nothing has changed!?!"
Kellin smiles slightly "Well, considering you've probably grown about an inch since I last saw you, I'd say that's pretty true actually."
You cant not smile at that "You're such a fucking dork."
A wide smile slowly stretches across Kellins face, before he shakes his head "Fuck it!" He bounds towards you, and pulls you into his arms, lifting you up and spinning you around, before placing you back down on your feet, his face mere inches from yours.
"You have no idea how good it is to see you again (Y/N)." Kellin whispers.
You blush slightly "Ditto."
Kellin raises an eyebrow "What do you mean 'nothing has changed'?"
Your blush intensifies "I-I, uh..."
His eyes widen as he realises "Oh!"
You nod "Yeah, that."
Kellin blinks rapidly "Well."
You sigh "Yup."
Suddenly, his entire persona changes, and he smirks down at you "Im not gonna make the same mistake I did last time, c'mere." And then, he captures your lips with his.
The kiss is long, drawn out, and incredibly passionate, which surprises you as it is the first kiss you have shared with him.
He pulls away first, and kisses your nose, before slinging an arm round your shoulders and leading you back into the office "So, tell me, do these music video plans of your involve me getting naked at any point?"
You shake your head "No, but you can bet your sweet ass Im gonna change that!"
Kellin laughs, and turns to you "Oh, I forgot to ask!"
You raise an eyebrow "What?"
He smiles playfully "Be my girl?"
You shrug "K."
Kellin frowns "You could sound slightly happier about that!"
You grin at him "I havent slept in 4 days!"
He smirks "And you wont be sleeping tonight either, not on my watch."
Fuck me.

Kellin Quinn Imagines V2.0Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang