Luke: ShShShSh it's me dollface. It's just me.

Maria: I know who ya is! Now let me...

Luke: Sh!

*Luke reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key. He put the key into the shackles around her wrists and unchains her. She drops into Luke arms and screams as his hand touches her open wounds. Luke drags her to the stairs and throws her over his shoulder, making her scream some more. He carries her upstairs and slams the door behind him. Dean curses under his breath and creeps from behind the boxes. He walks up the stairs and slowly opens the door. He sees a bunch of men walking into a room. He looks around and walks his way in the room himself, blending in with the crowd. Once inside he's shoved and bumped by others as they circle around something in the center of the room. Dean gets a little closer and sees what's going on. Luke dropped Maria in the middle of the floor and had his foot on her chest, holding her down. Braun is standing beside him with his arms crossed, looking into the crowd for any unfamiliar faces. Bray is sitting against the wall as Summer stitches up his arm. It appears that he's been shot. His eyes were focused on Maria as she squirms underneath Luke's foot. Dean's watches in horror as Luke reaches down claws at the wounds on Maria's back, making her scream in pain and agony. Bray raises his hand and Luke pauses, so does Summer. Bray stands up, needle hanging off his arm and turns to the crowd*

Bray: Brothers. We have, *bows head* lost a great many of our brethren in the battle at that ruffian thug Reggie's home. 

Scuffy-looking man: What exactly is a great many? Because Uhhh, *looks around* I didn't see anyone come back with you.

Bray: Well.. that is because  me and my brothers...were the only survivers.

*The men start chattering and, due to the fact that some were siblings, some of them dropped. Bray watches and listens in silence as they angrily shout at him and attempt to attack him. He lifts his hands and quietly speaks*

Bray:very Quiet quuiiiiieeet. I understand the anger you must feel but there's no need to panic or throws fits.

Buff guy: Oh really? Well when is the right time because now seems like the best time.

Bray: *chuckles* Well I know it might feel that way but I can tell you for sure, now is not the time. When we came to Reggie's house, he wasn't​ there. *looks into the crowd* To the henchmen of Pride, did you know that Matai had a daughter?

*Most of the men nodded but some shook their heads*

Bray: Well, did you know that the girl he brought back to you earlier tonight was his daughter?

*A chatter rose among the men. Maria lifted her head and turned it to Bray*

Maria: Wh...What?

Bray: *looks to Maria* Matai found Jessamine and brought her back to Pride headquarters tonight.

Maria: Ma... Matai's...alive?

Bray: *nods* Yes. And healthy too. Now, this here, *lifts Maria by her hair* is the previous leader of Pride's daughter. She also the mother of Matai's only child, *motions to his arm* the one responsible for this.

*The chatter grew louder. Bray dropped Maria and smirks*

Bray: You see, Reggie was not the one to greet us at his home. Instead, it was Jessamine. And along side her, *looks at Maria and smirks* was a young woman who looked surprisingly similar to her.

Maria: ....*gasps* Jasmine.

Bray: Jasmine? *scoffs* He couldn't have made it more obvious. Anyway, they opened fire on us. Took out everyone except for me and my brothers. *looks at hands* She is also the one who took out our men waiting  near the hospital and destroyed several of our vehicles.

*The chatter was now angry shouts. Dean starts backing away from the crowd and to the door*

Bray: Yes. Yes! Be angry! Be OUTRAGED!!! Because woman, *laughs* she's coming here. *lifts up Maria again* And she's coming for this one.

Maria:*chuckles* You're an idiot if you think she gives a shit about me.

Bray: *snickers* Well, she was in shock when I showed her a picture of you chained up in the basement. And, she was froze long enough for us to escape but the other one shot me in the arm. *looks at the crowd* I will be sending her directions to this building...nine times outta ten she'll bring friends. So what we're gonna attack Pride once again. Raid it. Kill as many men as we can. And once that is done, we'll be prepared here. For WAR!!!

*The men cheer and clap. Maria becomes frantic*


*With that, Dean turns and runs out of the room. The men yell and chase after him. He runs all the way back to Pride and burst through the doors, locking them behind him. He collapsed and started panting. Xavier and Becky turn to him and run up to him*

Becky: Dean lad! Calm down!

Xavier: Yeah just take a deep breath. What's wrong?

Dean: *panting* G...g...get...the....get the...


*Something slams against the doors. Xavier and Becky jump and look at the door. Dean makes a gun out of his fingers and Xavier nods, running to the armory. Becky drags Dean away from the door and turns over a table, placing him behind it. Xavier comes back with a group of men behind him. They all point their guns to the door*


*The door cracks as another forceful slam hits the door. Xavier looks to Becky and motions to the door. She nods and slowly gets up, creeping towards the door and turns the lock slowly and slowly turns the knob*


*The door flies open. Xavier drops his gun and the door in shock. Becky also looks in shock and everyone else in the room. Because standing in the doorway, untouched and breathing, was Vito*


I know I knoooooooooooow it's been a while but with my finals and graduation and celebrations, things just slipped from me. But anywho, VITO?!?!?! You could've sworn he was dead, huh? Well SURPRISE!!! Next update will be next Friday and after that, the schedule will be back to normal. Ciao!

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