"Fine! I'll go to the garage!" he says while quickly looking for a shirt. I start laughing at him as he throws on shoes and a shirt. "Not funny!" he yells at me, which makes me laugh harder.

Finally, after he finishes brushing his teeth and eating breakfast, we head downstairs and I give him the keys to Angelica's car.

"Whose car is this?" he asks me. "It's pretty good."

"Its Angelica's car," I reply. "She gave me the money to get it fixed for her."

"Are you getting anything for this?" he asks. "Pretty big favor."

"I'm keeping the change, whether she likes it or not."

"How much money did she give you?" he asks while getting in her car.

"More than enough, by like twenty-five, maybe fifty."

"Nice," he says as he closes the door and turns on the car. "Race?"

"Winner gets Angelica's change," I tell him while grinning.

"Deal." He shuts the door to his car as I get inside my truck. When we meet up at the next light he lowers down his window, and I lower mine down too. "Whoever gets to the garage first wins, you could go anyway you want, but you have to follow the speed limit."

"Why so boring?" I ask while laughing.

"I'm serious," he replies. "The race start when this light turns green!"

Just then, the light turns green and we both accelerate and head out different directions. Clearly he's going the longer way on the highway, but I decide to take a gamble and go straight through the side streets. How quickly I make it will depend on how many lights are red and how many are green.

My luck is great at first, all lights being green as I pass them, except for one which I went through while it was yellow, but soon I hit a red light, and a chain reaction starts in which the light turns green in front of me as the one up ahead turns yellow, and then red when I get there.

Finally I get to the garage and I hope that I don't see Justin there, and I don't at first, but then when I park the truck I see Angelica's car already in the repair garage and I know that I lost the race.

As I walk into the building, I see Justin speaking with the employee, so I decide to wait for him in the room. The white room is small, and has only a couple of chairs next to the entrance, a counter, where Justin is talking to the employee who's on the other side, and another door which leads to a hallway.

Needing to go to the bathroom, I ask another worker for where it is, and he tells me through the door which leads to the hallway. When I'm in the hallway I see two doors at the end of the hall, so I go inside the one next to a water fountain.

I accidentally walk into the garage, since the door doesn't have a lock, and I notice that there's only a single woman working inside. I stare at her for a while, curious as to why she's working alone, then she looks back at me for the first time and gives me a devilish grin. Soon, the whole image begins to change, as if I'm hallucinating, and the garage turns into a dark cave with fire around, and the woman is standing in the middle of the fire. Then, for the first time, I look into the woman's eyes and realize that they're red.

Like most of The Fallen, she has dark skin, a tone slightly lighter than David's, and her hair is almost completely cut off, and died a dark shade of blond. She has many burns and scars and is dressed in blue work clothes, along with black boots, and black gloves for working, all of which is stained and dirty. She's holding a toolkit in her right hand, and she takes something out of it and holds it in her left hand.

Eyes of the FallenWhere stories live. Discover now