Chapter 34: hidden

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In the middle of the night, I wake up feeling some pressure on my chest. What is this? Taking in deep breaths I try to see if the feeling goes away but it doesn't.

The sound of Peter movingly on the couch gets me attention. Every time he moves he groans. I guess he's hurt pretty badly if it's taking him so long to heal. He suddenly gets up and runs to the bathroom.

By now I am on my feet running to his side. "Peter what's wrong?" I ask patting his back slightly.

"I don't know, I just don't feel well at all." He says shivering. I reach out and touch his forehead which is surprisingly hot.

"Since when are you feeling like this?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I don't know, an hour?"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I thought it would go away."

"Can you stand up?" I ask him and he nods but he tries he falls down. "Peter, look at me." I say noticing that his eyes are closing. "I need you to help me so we can go to the infirmary."

"Okay." Peter says. We stand up and are about to walk when I feel his head on my shoulder. I carefully place Peter on the floor and run to get my phone.

"Cap? Are you awake? If you are I need your help." I type as quickly as I can and start pacing around the room. In a few seconds the door opens revealing Steve. Thank goodness that didn't take too long.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks looking around the room.

"I'm fine, but Peter isn't." I say taking in a deep breath.

"What's wrong with him?" Steve asks.

"I'm not sure yet, but he is really ill. I need to get him to the infirmary but I cant carry him."

"Don't worry, I got it." He says heading to the bathroom and carrying Peter over his shoulder. Since there is no time to waste, I open a portal and we appear in the infirmary where Bruce and Tony are getting everything ready.

"Put him on the bed please." Bruce says.

Steve places Peter on the bed carefully and steps back.

"He hasn't healed yet?" Tony asks facing me.

"No, not at all. There should at least be some progress but there isn't."

"Did you see anything weird when you helped him with his wounds?" Tony asks.

"Not at all, I also searched for a tracker or any device but I didn't see anything."

"That's very odd." Tony says rubbing his chin.

"Unless...." I start to say thinking.

"The suit!" Tony and I say at the same time.

"Let me go get it." I say using the portal to get to my room and back. "Here it is." I say handing it to Tony.

"Thanks kiddo." Tony says taking it and examining it.

"We will give you space to work now." I say looking at Steve who nods and follows me out.

As we step out of the room I let out a deep breath. "Training?" Steve asks and I nod.

"You read my mind." There is no way I can go back to sleep after this. What if I haven't woken up? Would Peter be okay?

As this thoughts fill my mind I notice that we reach the gym. Steve helps me wrap up my hands and holds the punching bag as I punch and kick.

After a few minutes sweat drips down my forehead and I'm breathing heavily but I keep going.

"Is there something bothering you?" Steve asks.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm okay." I say throwing another punch and Steve gives me a doubtful look but he doesn't press on it.

"Keep your fists up." Steve instructs and I lift them a little higher.

This goes on until Tony calls us. Steve hands me a towel and a bottle of water. I give him a smile and mutter thanks before getting up and heading back to the lab.

"Did you find anything?" I asks as soon as we step into the lab.

"Slow down." Tony says. "Peter is okay and we have plenty of time." He says patting my back slightly.

"The technology used is very advanced and not easy to obtain." Bruce says.

"That means that some villains are working with Hydra now." Tony says.

"That can't be good." Steve says shaking his head.

"So whatever was used on the suit affected Peter in way that made him sick and  didn't allow him to heal right?" I ask frowning.

"Pretty much." Tony says.

"Do you know how they did it? Like a gas or spray?"

"Not sure, but we have the components now so we made an antidote." Bruce says.

"That wasn't really smart though." Steve says. "They gave us the key to this weapon."

"Do you think they did it on purpose?" Bruce asks.

"I'm pretty sure that they didn't expect Peter to get any sort of help since he is mostly a solo hero and he doesn't have a team." I say and they look at me.

"This is more dangerous that we thought." Tony says running his hand through his hair. "We'll talk about it tomorrow."

"I'll stay with Peter just in case." I says and Tony nods.

"Just don't forget to get some rest." He says and I nod with a smile.

I slowly open the door of the infirmary and sit down next to Peter taking his hand. "I'm sorry for not noticing."

As the night goes on my eyes grow heavy and I fall asleep.

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