Chapter 38: memories

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The Avengers sit on the living room without saying a word. Tony kept bouncing his knee up and down and Pietro kept pacing around the room. They were using every available resource to find her and everyday that passes they get more worried. No one speaks or makes a sound, each one is too busy thinking about what to do or trying to find a little ray of hope.

Bucky is the first one to stand up and leave, heading towards the gym. He stands in front of the punching bag, both his hands raised at eye level and ready to punch . With each punch he would let out his frustration remembering every moment since he arrived at the tower. From the moment that she brought him here and took responsibility to her countless attempts at trying to make him stop hating his metal arm.

As Vanessa watches Bucky fall asleep on the couch she hurries up and runs to her room to grab a black marker. She slowly approaches the soldier and draws a smiley face on the star of his arm. At first the soldier didn't notice, until he walked by a mirror and noticed something different. He takes a closer look narrowing his eyes only to see a smiley face. There was only one person who would do that. He slowly walks up to her and asks "What is this?" "Now your metal arm is friendly because it has a smiley face" she smiles and his face softens. After that tactic didn't work, she went to the store and bought some paint. Locking the door behind her she got to work. A knock on the startled her. "Vanessa?" Steve asks. "Why is your door locked?" "Hold on a sec." She says before hiding her arm. She opens the door and smiles. "What's up?" "Uh, nothing really important I just wanted to ask your help with something." Steve says. "Okay, sure." She says and opens the door. "What are you doing?" Steve asks noticing the paint on her arm. "Well, you know how Bucky is very self conscious about his arm?" She asks and Steve nods. "I though it would make him feel less bad if we have a metal arm too." "So you were painting your arm to make it look like his?" Steve asks surprised. "Pretty much." "Can I help?" "Sure, I'll do your arm and you do mine." It took a few hours on long work but they were finally done. When they saw their work they nodded in satisfaction and headed outside. Signaling each other, as soon as they saw Bucky they got ready to show their work. Bucky was walking around minding his own business until he noticed his friends with a very realistic looking metal arm like his. He shakes his head and walks towards them. "Oh, hey Buck." Steve says. "If I show my metal arm, will you stop doing weird things?" He asks looking particularly at Vanessa. "Yes." Both of them say in unison. "Fine." He says and shows his metal arm. "Are you happy now?" He asks trying to sound annoyed but in reality he was glad that they didn't mind his metal arm. Vanessa smiles so brightly that he would never forget this moment, then she runs and hugs him. "Oh before I forget." She says when they break from the hug. "Let's take a picture." They flex their arm and for the first time in a while Bucky smiles.

"Don't worry Buck, we are going to find her soon

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"Don't worry Buck, we are going to find her soon." Steve says from behind him.

"I know we will, but the thing is, will she be the same?" Bucky asks looking down and taking a seat next to Steve, who hands him a water bottle.

"I hope so, but don't worry, she's a smart girl and she is stronger than she seems." Steve says getting up and heading towards her room.

He hesitates before opening the door to her room, but then he opens it hoping to find her there. He sees someone in the room but as he approaches he sees that it's Peter looking at the pictures of him and her when they graduated.

"I'm sorry Cap." He says. "I should have payed more attention to where they were going."

"It's not your fault Peter. It could happen to any of us." Steve says sitting on her bed.

Peter nods but doesn't say another word, he just walks out to give him some space.

Stave lets out a sigh and notices the notebook on her nightstand. He picked it up and sees some drawings.

"Wow, you painted this?" I say admiring the painting in his room.
"Yeah,I did." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you paint?"
"Nope, but I can draw."

Some of the drawings are of comics and others are of them in real life. His thoughts are interrupted when Tony calls everyone back to the living room.

The Avengers sit on the living room once again trying to figure out a rescue plan. Now more determined than before. "Hydra is very well hidden." Steve says rubbing his chin.

"I can think of any Hydra bases that I might know of, I haven't really being in contact with them." Bucky says resting his head on his hands.

"You don't think she is dead right?" Peter says afraid that he might be right.

"She is not dead." Wanda says. "I am sure of that."

"How do you know?" Peter asks.

"They have a special connection." Pietro says with a small smile.

"Could we use this connection to find her?" Peter asks trying not to get his hopes up.

"I have tried, but there is something blocking me."

"What if I go back to Hydra?" Bucky asks and everyone looks at him.

"No." Steve says firmly.

"Why not? This could be our only chance." Bucky says.

"They would know that we are up to something." Natasha says. "I feel like Hydra has being tagging her for a long time. So they know that she is with us."

"Besides, there is no guarantee that you will be on the same facilities, and don't forget that Hydra has a way of making you do everything they want." Clint says.

"I know that even if I find her as the winter soldier, she will find a way to get both of us out." Bucky says.

As the atmosphere grows heavier, a small light appears on Tony's phone.

"What's that Tony?" Steve asks.

"It's her phone." He says looking at the screen and showing it to everyone to make sure that he isn't dreaming. "Someone turned it back on, now we can track it."

They hurry over to the computer and trace the location.

"I don't get it" Bruce says, "that's in the middle of nowhere."

"It might not be the exact location, but it sure helps. I say we go check it out." Tony says.

"Maybe I will be able to find her once we are close." Wanda says.

"I'll go get the jet ready." Natasha says.

In no time the Avengers are suited up and ready to go. "Stay here until we come back Peter." Tony says.

"No way!" Peter exclaims walking behind them.

"Peter, it's too dangerous even for us."

"I don't care if I'm not a part of the Avengers!" Peter says slamming the table. "I'm coming with you to rescue her because she is also my friend!"

"Tony." Steve says. "We really don't have time for this."

"Fine." Tony says with a sigh. "Let's go."

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