Chapter 24: Mission

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Since I didn't really know what to do, I went outside and waited by the motorcycle, going through some books I saved on my phone.

A shadow stretches on the street in front of me. When I look up I see a teary eyed Steve.

My first impulse is to give him a hug, but I'm not sure what to do so I take the safe route.

"Are you okay?" I ask in soft tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine." His eyes look sad and he doesn't seem like the Captain America, he is just a normal guy.

"Can you drive? I can drive if you want."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

He gets on the motorcycle followed by me, and we drive back to Stark tower without saying another word.

When we get there, we each go to our rooms, I guess we are too tired to say anything. Besides, I need to get some sleep for my mission tomorrow.
The next day, I wake up when I feel my phone vibrating. With a groan I get up and make my way to the closet to grab my uniform. Coulson will be here soon.

I yawn and head to the kitchen to get some breakfast. On my way I stop by Steve's door. I hope he is okay. Anyway, I continue and grab some cereal.

"Where are you going?" Natasha asks sitting across from me.

"Peter gave me a folder that contained a mission, but I can't give any details. A jet will be here to pick me up soon." She nods and crosses her arms in deep thought.

"Is anyone supposed to know about your mission?"

"To be honest, I hadn't thought about it. It didn't say anything about not letting  anyone know about the mission."
"Good, because the whole tower probably knows by now." As if they were cued, the rest of the Avengers join us.

"So you got your first mission huh?"Clint says pouring some coffee.

"Um..yeah." I say looking down.

"Don't worry," Tony says "I'm sure you will be fine, it's not like you could mess up or anything." Behind him Bruce face palms himself while everyone else groans.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Tony."

"Don't worry kid, you'll be fine." He says giving my shoulders a little squeeze. "But I do want some details about the mission."

"Of course you do." I say with a short laugh. There is only one person missing...
If your guess was Mr. Steve Rogers then you are right. I'm started to get worried.

A loud noise outside interrupts my thoughts. The Windows and the floor vibrate a little until silence fills the air. It sounded like a jet?

"What's going on?" Steve asks with a yawn, and I try not let out a sigh of relief.

"You are up late Capsicle, are you alright?" Tony asks.

"I'm fine Tony, don't worry."

Clint was about to say something but Natasha and I glare at him, this is not the time for jokes.

"Did I miss anything important?" Steve asks fixing his messy blonde hair.

"Vanessa is going on her first mission." Pietro blurts out.

"Pietro!" Wanda and I say at the same time.

"Is it true?" Steve asks looking at me.

I look down and short from foot to foot uncomfortably. "Yes it's true."

When the Avengers get distracted by Coulson entering the tower, Steve approaches me.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a mission?"

"Sorry, it was kind of last minute."

"I should be the one apologizing, if I had know we would have waited."

"That is why I didn't tell you, you and Peggy have waited long enough for that dance. If I had to do it again, I would help you over my mission."

Steve is about to say something but Coulson interrupts.

"Are you ready Agent Lee?"

"Yes sir."

"It's time to go then. Follow me." I nod and follow him out of the tower.

The Avengers follow us outside.

"Don't forget to keep in touch kiddo." Tony says giving me a hug.

"I will."

Wanda and Pietro are the next ones to hug me. "Be careful little sestra."

One by one I say goodbye until I get to Steve.

"We will talk when I get back." I say.

"Be careful and come back, I don't want to lose anyone else."

I salute him and head to the jet, leaving the Avengers and Stark tower behind.

Through the window of the jet, I see the Avengers waving and giving me a thumbs up.

Here I go.

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