Chapter 35: watched

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A stirring next to me wakes me up. After rubbing my eyes I wake up and look at Peter but he is still sleeping.

I let out a small sigh and jump a little when I hear Steve's voice behind me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to let you know that we are going running in a few minutes in case you want to join."

"Thanks Cap, but I think I'll stay with Peter until he wakes up."

"Okay." He says and leaves the room.

Peter yawns and opens his eyes. "How are you feeling?" I ask turning the lights on gradually so his eyes adjust to the light.

"I'm feeling a lot better." He says stretching.

"Did you get enough rest?"

"More than I've had in a while." He says and looks at me. "How about you? Did you rest?"

"Yes, I did get some rest." I say and he lets out a relieved sigh. "Let me see your wounds and bruises." I say and he slowly lifts up his shirt.

Now it's my turn to sigh in relief. His wounds have almost healed completely and his bruises are already fading.

"Well Doctor?" Peter says raising an eyebrow.

"Getting some rest definitely helped. From now on you should come after you have a fight to make sure that your wounds are treated properly."

"Okay, I will." He says with a smile.

Bruce and Tony walk in to the infirmary and look at Peter.

"I'm going to go make breakfast." I say excusing myself and walking out of the room.

I look at the time on my phone before pressing the elevator button. Maybe I can still go for a run? It hasn't been that long since they left.

Once I reach the kitchen, I make some eggs, bacon and toast bread. Then I change clothes and open a portal leading me to the park. I sit under a tree for a while until I see Steve, Sam and Bucky running my way.

As I stand up I smile and wave at them.

"Glad you could join us." Sam says. "Try to keep up."

"Very funny Sam." It's obvious that I can't keep up with them and they all know that. With a huff I start running after them.

As I run I listen to some music, and leave to my own little world until someone hanging from a tree appears in front of me making me stop. I slowly remove my headphones and put them in my pocket.

"Hello there." Peter says.

"Peter can you please get down." I say looking around.

"Why, what's up?"

"Are you really asking me why?" I say crossing my arms. "Hurry, someone might see you Peter. You never know who is watching."

"Alright, alright." Peter says slowly climbing of the tree and landing on his butt. "Was that believable enough?" He asks looking up at me and I nod, then I offer my hand to help him up which he takes and stands up.

"You should still be resting Peter." I say fixing my ponytail.

"You should be resting too, I know you didn't get much sleep."

"Why are you so stubborn Peter." I say pressing my temples. Out of the corner of my eye I see a man looking in our direction but he quickly looks away when he sees me. "Why don't you join me then, since you are here?"

"Why all of the sudden?" He asks surprised as I take his hand and we start walking.

"Just trust me."

Steve, Bucky and Sam catch up to us. "Hey slow poke." Sam says and I glare at him playfully.

"Can you guys just keep walking?" I ask and they look at me weirdly but Steve nods and keeps going.

"Okay Vanessa, somethings up. What's wrong?" Peter asks standing in front of me.

I let out a sigh and look down. "I don't know, I just have a weird feeling."

"It's all alright, I'm sure it's nothing." He says with a shrug. "Come on let's keep walking." He says taking my hand and dragging me with him.

"By the way, " Peter says making me look at him. "Is it just me or did you open a-" before he continues I cut him off.

"Not here Peter, I'll tell you when we get back to the tower."

"O-okay." He says looking at the trees.

I look around and see that the man is gone, maybe Peter was right.

"I'm sorry Peter, it's just after what happened yesterday I'm worried that any minute a villain will appear."

"Ahhhh." Peter says nodding. "Don't worry, I'll be fine okay?" He says and I nod looking away.

When we enter the tower the two super soldiers stood up. "So what's going on?" Steve asks looking at me.

"It's was nothing." I say sitting down. "I thought someone was watching Peter, or one of you, but I guess I was wrong."

"Well, let us know if you see that man again." Bucky says and I notice his tense shoulders.

"We are going to the gym for a while." Steve says and he and Bucky walk away.

I sit on the sofa and let out a sigh while resting my head on my hands. Peter sits next to me and pats my back softly.

"About earlier." I say and he looks at me, it's better to tell him now rather than him finding out later by other means. "When you asked about the portal, you didn't see wrong."

"So you have powers?"

"Not exactly, you see, I'm not from this dimension." I say and look at Peter to see his reaction.

"What do you mean?"

"I found a portal that led me here and we found out that I can actually control the portal, so I'm staying here to make sure that no one finds other portals or that no one crosses to my side."

"So then where are you from?" He asks.

"It's the same Earth, except that I live in a world where superheroes are only fiction."

"Oh, wow." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, that's definitely not the answer I was expecting but it still sounds cool." He says and smiles but my eyes are slowly closing until I can't keep them open.

I hear Peter chuckle and and then I feel myself being carried off somewhere.

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