Chapter 37: hydra

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My eyes open and I'm blinded by a bright light. I try moving but my hands are tied tightly, it no use to try to move. It is only when I stay still that I notice that my head is pounding and that my body is super sore. What did they use? I don't think it was meant for me.

"She's awake sir." A guy says and the bright light is removed from my sight, leaving me to see only dark spots. They caught me so it's no use to try to pretend I'm still sleeping.

The guard starts removing the restraints and carries me over his back but it's no use to fight back, my body is too weak. I let out a groan but he ignores it and keeps going. After what seemed like forever, he puts me in a cold chair and leaves the room locking the door behind him.

"This is no way to treat a guest." A man says and steps from the shadows. "I'm pretty sure our guest here is not going to try anything, am I right?"

"Of course not sir." I say trying sitting up straight.

"And you will cooperate with us?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"If I can then yes." I say looking at him in the eyes.

"I'm surprised." He says taking a seat in front of me. Then he turns to the guard. "Has she being brainwashed yet?"

"No sir." The guard replies.

"Hmmm, then you are cooperating on your own." He says turning to face me. "Well, we'll see about that." He stays quiet for a while before asking a question. "So you are close with the Avengers, am I right?"

I scoff as soon as I hear the question. "I wouldn't say we are close, it's more of they are keeping an eye on someone who could be a threat." I say crossing my arms.

"Then you wouldn't mind sharing the Avengers weaknesses with Hydra would you?"
His request takes me by surprise but I try to remain calm. "I didn't get to spend much time with them to be honest."

"But you are still with them often I'm sure you can think of something." I say quiet and try to think of something but nothing comes to mind. "Nothing comes to mind sir."

"Perhaps a little motivation will help you." He says and nods, signaling someone behind him. A screen appears showing a picture of Bucky. I have a feeling that this isn't going to go well but I take in a deep breath and try to keep my poker face on. Just like Nat taught me, play along and get as much info as possible.

"Do you know who this is?" The man asks and I nod.

"That's the winter soldier, one of Hydras greatest soldiers." I say.

"Well he recently escaped and is out of our grasp, however we seem to have seem him with his old friend." He says and the picture changes to Steve and Bucky running in the park. "Do you know anything about this?"

What should I say? He either really wants to know or he wants to confirm something. I let out a sigh. That means that there was someone watching them.

"The Avengers don't share any important information with me sir, the on,y thing I know is that Captain Rogers had a meeting with someone, I'm guessing that's the someone he didn't want to tell us about."

"Tell us?" He asks.

"He doesn't really share much with us." I say trying to paint a different picture. How much have they seen? Will they believe me?

"Is that so?" He says.

Oh no, I have a bad feeling about this.

"Well, since you are not really attached to them you wouldn't mind if we torture them a little right?"

My eyes widen but I hide it quickly. "No sir."

In the screen a video of Bucky appears being tied up to a chair and being tortured. Did they get to him? I should of told them.

I don't want to watch this but it's not like I can look away. I have to be strong, if I can't find my way out I'm sure they will find me.

The man watches as I keep a straight face and signals to stop.
The guard walks towards me and takes me back to my room.
The next day, or at least I think it's been a day since I've been here, it's the same routine.

The guard comes in and takes me with him, except that by now I've gained a little of my strength back. Since I don't put much of a fight he doesn't really restrain me, he just grabs my arm and pulls me along to the same room.

As we enter I see the same man standing there. "Nice to see you again." He says and I smile slightly. "How are you feeling?"

"A little better." I say as I sit down on the chair and cross my legs trying to look confident.

"Did you remember anything useful?" He asks as he sits in front of me.

So that what they are after, information only. They want to attack the Avengers since they are the only ones that can defeat them. That means that they can't kill me yet.

"Not yet, then again I've being busy trying to recover." I say looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Sorry about that." He says chuckling. "We just didn't know what to expect."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"We didn't know if you were part of the team, if you had any abilities etcetera." He says.

So they don't know I can open portals. That's good. Although in the condition I'm in I don't think I can open one to escape, besides I wouldn't want to let them see what I can do. I'm pretty sure they are watching my every move.

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