Chapter 9: A good team

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Remember my first day of training? When I did what Natasha taught me the first time, well let me tell you, it was beginners luck.

I have been training every day for a week now. It's hard and I feel like I'm not making much progress. On top of that training is draining and I'm really tired.

Every time I run I build stamina so that's not too bad. I've also being working on flexibility and Steve is teaching me combat skills along with Natasha.

Some days I train with Thor and he teaches me sword fighting. Thor says that even though I'm not Asgardian he considers me a brave maiden and a warrior.

Other days I train with Clint. I love using the bow and arrows. I'm okay in archery, but I will obviously never be as good as him. I know the technique, all I have to do is practice and at least try to hit the targets.

Natasha also teaches me about different weapons and she teaches me how to use them.

To be honest, I don't really want to use weapons to hurt people but I guess someday all this will be useful.

I am exhausted! I work really hard to make progress but at the same time I get frustrated easily. I feel like I can't do anything, which I guess is good because that makes me want to work harder at training.

Right now I'm working on strength. Nat says that since I'm kind of skinny it's better if I use my knees and elbows to fight.

I'm in the gym beating the punching bag.... Letting all my frustration out.

As I train, I feel someone is watching me so I stop and turn around.

"You should take a break" Steve says.

"I'm good Cap" I say between breaths and keep punching.

He stands up from the bench and walks towards me, holding the punching bag, thus preventing me from moving it.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"If I can't stop you I'm going to help you" he says.


"Keep those fists up, even if your arms are tired"

"Yes sir" I say with a determined face and do and he tells me,

After fifteen minutes I can't throw a punch anymore, so I sit on the bench and sigh.

"You're working too hard" Steve says and offers me a water.

I take it and open it "well I really want to help out on a mission, and I'm tired of feeling like I can't do anything"

"Well, even if don't see it, all of us have noticed your progress"

"Thanks Cap" I say.

"Now get some rest, okay?" He says patting my shoulder slightly.
Nodding, I head to my room and take a shower, letting the water drain all the frustration and soreness away. It's been a long day.

When I come out I look at the clock.

9:00 pm

Well I guess I should go to bed, I need to get up early to train.

Turning the light off, I lie on my bed and sigh. I close my eyes but I can't go to sleep.

My mind doesn't want to shut down and let me rest. I look at the clock again and it's 12:00 pm.

Agh. If I can't sleep I might as well train until I'm too tired and can't keep going.

I open the door and walk through the hallway slowly, making sure that I don't wake up anybody.

Once I get to the training room I see that Steve is there.

"Couldn't sleep either huh?" He says while punching the bag.

"Not really"

"Tell you what, let's try something new as part of your training"

"Lead the way master" I say and follow him to the simulator room. When I realize where we are I take a step back. "Uh, I don't know if I can do this" I say.

"Don't worry, it's going on easy"

"Make it medium, to get motivated, missions are not going to be easy"

I get different weapons and spread them across the room. Just in case.

The first weapon I grab is I start the sword that I'm borrowing from Thor as part of my training.

I look at Steve and he has a fist up, signaling to wait. When he signals to go he puts his shield up so I run and jump on it, then I use the sword to slice the little balls that shoot lasers. The landing goes smoothly by doing a roll on the ground.

I leave the sword and grab the bow and arrows using them to shoot the bigger laser machines.

Steve looks at me and looks down. I drop to the floor and he throws his shield. His shield gets stuck on a robot so I grab it and throw back to Steve.

Another robot shoots a laser and I dodge it by doing a cartwheel.

It's time to use my last weapon....the gun.

As I grab it, my hands shake a little but I manage to shoot and point at the robot's head.

"Simulation finished" JARVIS says.

"I thought you weren't making any progress" Nat says with a smile once we walk out of the room.

"You guys didn't even talk" Tony says "you guys make a good team"

"Well...." I say. "It's more like we know how to communicate without using words."

"I agree with her." Steve says giving me a high five.

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