Chapter 23: Dance

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Locking the door behind me I sit on the carpet staring at the folder. Should I open it right now or later?

The buzzing of my phone interrupts my thoughts. I pick it up to see who's calling, and to my surprise it's one of the people I least expected to call me.

Agent Coulson.

Sliding the finger through the screen I answer and lock myself in the bathroom.

"Hello?" I say casually trying to sound calm.

"Hello agent Lee." He says with a pause. "I take it you received the folder."

"Yes sir."

"Good. What's your answer?"

To be honest I haven't looked at the contents inside the folder, but let's be honest I can't tell Coulson that.

"I will do it, just give me twenty four hours."

"Very well. We will send a jet to pick you up." After that the line goes silent.

My phone buzzes again startling me. I almost yelp,when I hear the sound of a message.

The message is from.......Steve?

The message says:
I called Peggy and she said that it is good to visit tomorrow.

Glad to hear that, I'll make a plan, leave it to me.

A minute after I sent the message I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see Steve standing there so I signal for him to come in.

"Okay." I say letting out a deep breath. We are both sitting on the floor with a notebook in my hands. "So, I was thinking maybe dinner would be nice and after dinner you guys can have the dance."

He looks as I write the ideas down. "Do you have the name of the song?" He nods and he takes the notebook to write the title, then he hands it back to me.

"I'll download it and have it ready." I stare at the floor as I think of more ideas. Everything has to be in Peggy's room. I start drawing a sketch of what the room will look like and then I give it to Steve.

He gives me an approving nod. "I think she will like his. Thank you for helping me with this by the way."

"No problem, it's actually an honor." I say smiling at him. "I was thinking that maybe I could get Peggy ready, if she is feeling well maybe you could for a walk. Meanwhile I will get the room ready."

He stares at the floor. "What do you think I should wear?"

I rub my chin while I think. That's actually a pretty good question. "How about your army uniform, or something that you would wear during the war time." I don't know how to say wear something from your time without it sounding weird.

"So you're saying to go old fashion instead of modern."


"Thank you." With that he helps me up and goes back to his room.

Tomorrow is going to be a special day. I grab the folder and open it, sitting on my bed while I read. My eyes start to close until I fall asleep.

The next day, Steve and I meet outside Stark tower early in the morning. The plan is to start preparing everything early on so Peggy can get some rest after. Steve already has army uniform on, now we just need to be on our way.

It takes a while to get there, specially since we had to make several stops.

Once we have everything we need, I knock on Peggy's door. First I have to get her ready, then Steve will distract her while I set up everything.

"Come on in." I hear Peggy say.

"Good morning Ms. Carter." I say with a smile.

"You can call me Peggy darling, no need for formalities."

I make my way next to her and she grabs my hand.

"I'm going to get you all dolled up for a surprise."

She chuckles. "Very well."

"Any preferences on what to wear?" I ask as I look through her dresses.

"Grab the red dress."

I grab it and bring it to her. "Try it on." She says.

"What?" I ask surprised. "I can't do that." I know how much this dress means to Peggy and Steve.

"Do it for me, I want to see you wear it."

I guess. With a sigh I go into the bathroom and change into the dress. Then I walk out for Peggy to see.

"You look lovely." She says smiling.

"Thank you, but it's a little big."

"You can keep it."

"How about this, I'll keep the dress if you wear it tonight."

"Very well."

After changing back into my usual clothes, I help Peggy put on the dress and then I fix her hair and add a little bit of makeup.

Peggy is looking at herself in the mirror. "It's being ages since I've worn this dress."

"Are you ready for your surprise?" I ask standing in front of the door. When Peggy nods, I open the door to reveal Steve in his uniform with a bouquet of roses.

"Oh my...." Peggy says. "Steve? You haven't changed one bit." Steve smiles sweetly but his eyes look sad.

"I can't leave my best girl."

I interrupt their moment by saying "I'll be back in a bit." And then walking out to set up everything.

I hang some lights on the balcony and set a table with a candle on the middle. Then I prepare the food and set it in its place. After that I get the radio and put it in the corner.

After looking at my work I text Steve to bring Peggy.

The door opens and Peggy walks in with her eyes covered, being guided by Steve.

"Steve?" Peggy says. "What is going on?" He uncovers her eyes and gets in a dancing position.

"You still owe me a dance."

He signals to play the music and they start slow dancing, with Peggy resting her hand on his shoulder and them rocking side to side. I feel like I'm invading their privacy so I walk away, but before I leave I make sure to get a picture.

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