Chapter 18: Peggy

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The rest of the journey is silent until we reach Peggy's place. Steve carefully parks his motorcycle and steps off looking up at the building and letting out a small sigh.

I look at him and he looks at me briefly giving me a small smile. I can tell that he is nervous but he is trying his best to hide it.

The elevator ride is also silent as we both watch the floor numbers until we reach our destination. To be honest I'm nervous myself so I hope everything goes smoothly.

"Just let me talk to her before you go in okay?" Steve says looking at me before knocking on the door.

"That's fine" I say with a small nod "I'll be waiting by the door"

"Okay" he says and takes in a deep breath, then he opens the door slowly and walks into Peggy's room.

"Hi Peggy" Steve says softly as he sits next to her, he left the door a little open so I peek through the door and see him holding Peggy's hand.

"Oh Steve" Peggy says and touches Steve's cheek "I'm so happy you came to visit" she smiles.

Steve smiles but his eyes look sad. "You know I always make time for my special girl." As he says that I lean against the door and look down. After all this time he still cares about her so much.....It would be nice if things were different.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Steve say "There is someone that wants to meet you"

I peek through the door again and he signals for me to come in, but before going in i take a deep breath and try to relax, wiping my hands on my dress.

I slowly enter the room and after receiving a nod from Steve, I make my way over to Peggy.

Peggy watches as I come closer and smiles.

"What's your name darling?" She asks and she holds my hand.

"My name is Vanessa" I say trying to sound calm. "I have to say that it is an honor to meet you" I smile.

"You're such a sweet girl" she says. "It's nice that you brought a friend." Peggy says looking at Steve whose cheek are slightly pink.

"Yeah." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "She wanted to meet you so I brought her with me."

"That's wonderful, how do know each other?" She asks and Steve and I freeze on the spot.

"It's actually a weird story, but I work with SHIELD." I manage to say and Steve nods.

Peggy smiles and the three of us grow quiet.

I nervously take out my phone and clear my throat. "I-is it okay if I take a picture with you?" I ask and Steve's eyes widen a bit.

Peggy notices and chuckles "of course darling" 

I hand my phone to Steve "can you take the picture please?"

"Sure" he says taking my phone.

I hesitantly put my arm around Peggy and she smiles.

"Here you go" Steve gives me my phone.

I quickly look at the picture before looking at Steve "now, it's your turn" I say and Steve turns a little red looking down.

"No, that's okay."

"Come on Cap" I say "you know you want a picture with Agent Carter." I say with a teasing smile.

"Peggy is just fine darling." She says with a smile. "And one picture with Steve won't hurt, I would actually love to have a picture of us." She says looking at Steve fondly and I know he can't resist.

"Alright." He says and gets closer to Peggy.

They are the cutest thing ever!

"Now the three of us!" I say and put in on selfie mode "thank you so much!" I say. "I'll print it to you"

"You're welcome darling" Peggy says "Steve?" She says.

"Do you mind if Vanessa and I speak for a while?" She asks. Steve looks surprised but he nods and closes the door on his way out.

"Oh by the way" I say remembering the flowers "I bought you some flowers"
Peggy smiles and puts them next to her then she tells me to sit down next to her.

She takes my hands and looks at me, her eyes filled with sadness. "Tell me more about you darling."

"Uh-well, I don't really know what to say." I say letting out a nervous chuckle. "I'm just an agent in training and I have always admired how strong you are."

"Thank you darling, but I'm sure you're a brave agent too. Things have changed so much" she says letting out a small sigh. "I'm glad girls are allowed to be agents now." She stays quiet for a while before speaking again.

"How's Steve doing?" She asks.

"Well, he seems to be fine but I know that sometimes it's just hard for him." I say and she nods, then she looks at me in the eyes.

"I know it's hard for him, so darling, please promise to take care of Steve for me, I'm worried about him sometimes, I'm afraid that he will not be able to move on."

This takes me by surprise but I nod and squeeze her hand a little. "I promise Peggy"

"Thank you, know he will be in good hands, there's just something about you darling, I just know you can help him." she says relaxing her shoulders and going back to laying on her bed.

"There's a box under the bed, can you get it for me please?" She asks and I nod slowly bending down to look under the bed until my eyes land on a metal box. I pull it out and hand it to her.

"I want you to have it, but don't open it until the time is right" she says.

I swallow and grab the box. "O-Okay, thank you Peggy."

She reaches and touches my cheek "you're a sweet girl, I want you to know that" she says "and I want you to remember that you are stronger that people think"

"Thank you" I say.

We hear a knock on the door and Steve walks in.

"Sorry to interrupt" he says.

"That's fine" I say and in that moment my phone starts ringing and I see that Tony is calling. "I'm sorry I have to take this" I say with an apologetic look and
walk out of the room to answer the phone.


I wonder what's going on. After a while, I can't take it, I need to check on them so I knock on the door and open it. "Sorry to interrupt" I say.

"Thats fine" Vanessa replies. Her phone starts ringing and she walks out of the room.

My eyes lock with Peggy's making my heart feel like someone is squeezing it, but I sit next to Peggy and take her hand.

"She is a sweet girl" Peggy says.

"Steve" she looks directly at me "please don't wait to long okay?" She says.

What does she mean?

"Here" she hands me a letter "read this when you are ready"

Why is she giving me a letter? I was about to ask her but then Vanessa walks in.

"Tony wants us back in the tower" she says.

"Let's go then" I say and I put the letter in my brown leather jacket. I hug Peggy and Vanessa does the same.

"I'll call you soon" I whisper on Peggy's ear making her smile.

Then as we exit the room we hurry outside and hop on my motorcycle, rushing to get back to Stark tower.
Special thanks to @rubies_gems for being an awesome reader.

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