Chapter 5: a strange cat

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In the end, we came to an agreement and I ended up sleeping in the room that Tony prepared for me since it was a little weird to sleep in the living room.

It's dark outside when I open my eyes and look around me. The clock on the night stand indicates that it's midnight. Why would I possibly wake up at this time?

With a sigh I try closing my eyes to go back to sleep but to no avail. After laying in bed for a few minutes I can't stand it any longer so I get up and walk towards the window to watch the New York busy lights. At times like this I think it would help to walk and get some fresh air, however, I don't really know the streets of New York City and its dangerous to roam around at night so I think it's a better idea to cross the portal and go back to my world.

After looking around I find the portal and successfully cross in front of my place.


I start walking around feeling the nice breeze and letting out a happy sigh. As I walk down the alley I see a strange shadow and hear noises.

Something about the shadow caught my attention and by the time I know it my feet are walking in the direction of the noise. When I realize what I'm doing, I stop in my tracks.

I wonder what it is, but at the same time I'm not sure about checking it out, you never know what you are going to find. After all the shadow had a human shape. Then again what if it's someone that needs help?

After debating for a while, I decide to check it out.

When I reach the trash cans, I hold my breath and slowly look around, but to my surprise the only thing I see is a black cat.

It's eyes are closed and it looks tired. I walk towards it, slowly crouching down to pick it up. It opens its eyes but closes them again. It's barely breathing. For some reason his eyes seem familiar, they are green, but something in them reminds me of someone.

When I turn around and the portal appears right in front of me startling me.

When I cross I see Steve sitting on the sofa, his arms crossed and a frown on his face. I wonder what he's thinking about?

"Are you having trouble sleeping sir?" I ask slowly approaching him.

"Oh, I didn't see you there." He says with a small smile. "No, I don't really sleep much"

"Oh okay." Right, I forgot about that. What do I say now? "Well, if you need anything just tell me sir"

"You don't have to be so formal you know" he says chuckling.

"Well, you're Captain America, I don't really know how to talk to you" I say chuckling myself and looking down at the floor to hide my Crimson face.

He laughs "don't worry, we are regular people just like you, nothing more."

"Thank you sir, I mean Captain Rogers or..."

He smiles "I'm good with Cap"

"Okay then Cap." I say returning the smile.

"What's with the cat?" He asks turning his attention to cat securely held by me.

"Well I found him on the street and he look really hurt so I'm going to take him to my room and take care of it, I'll be back." Before he can say more I walk towards the room and lock the door behind me. Then I carefully place the cat on my bed and cover it.

"I'll be back, I'm going to get you some water." I say and leave the room heading towards the kitchen.

"Where is the cat?" Thor asks.

"In my room" I say.

"He should be watched, he's dangerous" Thor says.

"How do you know it's a he?" Tony asks.

"He is Loki" I say.

"You brought Loki here?" Banner asks.

"Do you know how dangerous that is?" Natasha asks.

"I am aware of the danger that Loki's presence brings, however he is in a weak state and he can't use his magic"

"How would you happen to know this?" Tony asks.

"I believe I read it while doing research on Norse mythology, besides, I saw him shape shift, he's been watching me for some time" I say and the Avengers stay quiet. "Look" I pause " I know that I'm new and that you have no reason to trust me but I know what I'm doing."

Natasha scoffs and raises and eyebrow."And what exactly is that?"

"You'll know after I'm done." I say but the Avengers all stare at me with suspicion written on their faces. "Okay,okay fine" I say letting out a sigh and raising my hands in defeat. "I just want to know why he is watching me."

"It's still dangerous" Steve says.

"I have a plan, and that involves not damaging Loki or putting him on a cage until I get the information I need. Do we have a deal?" I say almost pleading.

"We're going to trust you this time, but if he does anything that endangers us or the civilians around we're taking him out." Tony says.

"Sounds good" I say and turn to leave. "Thank you."

"Now everyone go back to bed, we need to rest" Tony says. With that the Avengers are dismissed and go back to their respective rooms.

I just hope that the Avengers don't consider me an enemy just because of what I'm doing.

Honestly I prefer to take a different approach to treat Loki, which doesn't involve fighting or putting him in a cage.

Loki finally appears! Let me know what you think.....
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