Chapter 31: Bucky

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Rubbing my forehead, I slowly lift up my face to see the person I ran into. "Sorry." He mutters.

"It was my fault." I say taking a step back. Now that there is some distance between us, I take a better look at him. He is tall, has blue eyes, and long brown hair, and he also reminds me of someone. When I realize who it is my eyes widen in surprise. "Bucky?" I ask trying to keep my voice from shaking too much.

He looks shocked for a moment but he immediately changes his face. "Do I know you?" He asks narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, no I'm sorry. It's just Steve talks about you a lot." I say wiping my tears with my sleeve.

"Steve?" He asks surprised.

"Yeah, he is standing over there." I point in his direction and Sharon's. He follows my finger and nods.

Then he turns his attention back to me and his face softens. "Are you okay?" He asks reaching for my arm but then stops.

"I'm fine, and don't worry about it." I say softly. "Would you like to go get some coffee?"

He hesitates before answering. "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Please?" I ask slowly reaching for his metal arm, which is covered by long sleeves and a glove. When he sees what I'm going to do he moves his metal arm closer to himself. "It's okay Bucky."

I grab his metal hand and drag him to nearest cafe. We sit by the window and near the door. We order and stay in silence while we wait.

Bucky breaks the silence by asking "Do you know who I am?" in a low voice.

"You mean if I know you are the winter soldier?" His eyes immediately meet mine.

"If you know who I am, why are still with me?"

"I'm not afraid of you Bucky."

Our coffee arrives and we drink it in silence. When Bucky finishes his coffee he gets up. "Thanks for the coffee but I gotta go."

"Bucky wait!" I say leaving some money on the table. When I go outside he is nowhere to be found and its started to rain heavily, making it almost impossible to see. "Bucky?" I call out again. "Bucky?!?" How did he go so fast?
In a desperate attempt to find him I just blurt out his first name as loud as I can. "JAMES!"

It's impossible to find him in weather like this. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the sound of a motorcycle fast approaching. It comes into sight when it's about to hit me.

I let out a scream but the motorcycle never hits me. When I open my eyes I see Bucky covering me. He jumped and pushed me out of the way.

"Oh my...Bucky are you okay?" I ask sitting up.

"I should be the one asking that." He says sitting up.

Then I notice the gash on his forehead. "You're not okay, you're bleeding."

"I'll be fine." He says with a shrug. He gets up and offers his hand, I take it and wince.

"Please come with me to Avengers tower?"

"I wasn't going to leave you here by yourself after what happened."

"There is no way we are walking in this weather. Come on." I say taking his hand.

"What are you doing?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"You'll see." I say with a smirk, then I move my hands and open a portal. "Follow me."

"Follow you where?" He asks but he still follows and suddenly we appear in front of Stark tower.

"How did you do that?" He asks surprised.

"I'll explain more when we are inside." He follows me into the elevator, and as soon as the doors open a worried Steve starts walking towards me.

"Where were you Vanessa? I didn't see you and then it started pouring and..." He hugs me and gets interrupted by Tony.

"We were worried about you." Tony says.

"Sorry guys, got caught in the rain, and I ran into someone." I say going back into the elevator and signaling Bucky to come out.

Steve gasps when he sees him. "Bucky?"

"Hey Steve." Bucky says looking down.

"What is he doing here? More importantly how did you find him?" Tony asks.

"He saved my life and got hurt in the process, I'm taking full responsibility for him and anything he does." I glare at Tony who was about to say something mean.

"Okay, but it's on you." Tony says and he gives me we-need-to-talk-later look.

"Thanks for doing this." Steve says with a small smile.

"No problem, do you think you can show him a room and give him some clothes?"

"Sure." Steve says and he squeezes Bucky's shoulder. "Follow me pal."

"Oh and Steve?" I say before they disappear into the hallway. "Tell me when he guys are done so I can stitch him up."

"Will do." He says going into his room.

"Don't scare us like that please." Bruce says giving me a hug.

"Sorry." Then I turn to face Tony.

"Let's go down to the lab." He says and I follow him there. I sit on one of the tables while Tony passes through the room.

"You do know who he is right?" He asks looking at me, and I respond with an are you serious look. "Right, of course you do. Then you know he is dangerous."

"I'm well aware of that Tony, but Bucky needs our help to get better, don't you want him to be on our team and save people instead of killing them?"

"Good point." He says letting out a sigh. "I'll see what I can do, but don't let him go anywhere."

"Thank you so much Tony!" I say giving him a hug.

"No problem kiddo."

With that I run back upstairs and go to my room to take a hot shower and change into clean, warm clothes.
After showering I go to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate for everyone.
Steve and Bucky come into the living room. "Hey Vanessa." Steve says, "he's ready."

"I'll meet him in your room, it will take a few minutes."


Once I'm done making the hot chocolate I get three mugs and pour some with marshmallows, then I head to Steve's room.

I knock before going in, giving Steve and Bucky a cup of hot chocolate.

"What is this?" Bucky asks.

"It's hot chocolate, you should try it, it's really good. I know you guys don't get sick, since you are super soldiers but I still wanted you to have some."

"Thanks." Bucky says taking a sip of his drink.

"Now I'm going to stitch you up." I say getting my first aid kit.

"If you don't mind me asking," Bucky says, "how old are you?"

"I'm eighteen years old, nineteen in a few months."

"You joined the Avengers that young?"

"Kind of." I say putting everything back in place. "It's a long story, but right now you need to rest."

"His room is across from mine." Steve says before I walk out.

"Good to know, mine is next to Steve's, just in case you need anything."

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