Chapter 36: taken

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As Peter carries her he notices how tired she looks and how badly she needed to rest since she is basically knocked out.

Before going into the hallway Tony stops Peter. "What happened?"

"Nothing, she just fell asleep on the couch. She stayed up watching over me and she went to train this morning." Peter says.

Tony shakes his head. "She is just as crazy as the two super soldiers and Natasha. They train even when they need to rest." He says chuckling.

"Take care of her alright?"

"Of course Mr. Stark." Peter says and makes his way to her room where he puts her on the bed.

"Sorry you didn't get much rest." Peter says sighing and leaving her room.
The next day I wake up and stretch my arms. The last thing I remember was falling asleep on the couch but now I'm on my bed? How long was I asleep?

I take out my phone and check the time, it's early in the morning. I'm guessing Peter went home since he is not here.

I get my workout clothes and head to the kitchen where I see Tony working on something. "Morning sleepy head." He says chuckling. "Did you get enough rest?" He asks and I respond with a nod.

"Good cause you needed it."

Steve and Bucky join them in the kitchen and say good morning.

"Are you guys go no on your morning run?" Tony asks and Steve nods. "Don't work yourself too hard okay kiddo?" Tony says and ruffles my hair.

The elevator rings making everyone look in that direction.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Sam asks as the doors open to reveal two super soldier and a normal teenage girl.

"As ready as we will ever be." Steve says and the three of them step into the elevator.

"This time I'm going to beat you." Sam says playfully.

"Good luck with that Sam." I say with a smile while leaning on the wall with my arms crossed.

"Whose side are you on?" He asks.

"On the side that is not going to beat the super soldiers." I say and they all chuckle. The rest of the way is a quiet ride.

As we walk I get a strange feeling. The feeling that someone is watching me, but when I look around there is no one, I let out a sigh. Shaking my shoulders, I try shaking the feeling off and try to focus on my workout.

"Ready, set, go!" Sam yells and he starts running with the two super soldiers but he soon starts to fall behind. On the other hand, I didn't start running. Instead I took my phone out just in case anything happens.

As I'm about to start running, Steve and Bucky run past me, but they soon back to meet me.

"Everything okay?" Steve asks frowning.

"Yes, everything is fine." Should I tell him? There is a chance that it might be nothing, so why worry them or cause them to panic. "I'm just catching my breath."

"Okay, but tell us if you don't feel well." Bucky says and they take off again.
I run two laps and then movement from the top of a tree catches my eye. I quickly move to the side in time to see something being shot next to where I was. My mind immediately goes into defense mode and I hide behind a tree. I carefully take a look and see a Hydra agent getting ready to shoot Steve. I sneak behind him and push him to the ground before he has a chance to do anything. Just as I'm about to get up to warn them I feel a pain in my arm. When I look down, I notice a dart. I take it out and throw it but soon my eyes start to close and darkness surrounds me. 

"Sam." Steve says worriedly. "Have you seen Vanessa?"

"No, I thought she was with you guys." Sam says looking around. "Okay don't panic, I'm sure we will find her soon."

They look all around the park but they can't find her. "What if something happened to her?" Bucky asks.

"I don't know." Steve says running a hand through his hair. "Let's head back to the tower for now."

When they enter the tower Bruce immediately gets up. "Where's Vanessa?" This immediately gets the rest of the Avengers attention.

"That means she's not here either." Steve says trying not to sound panicked.

"We don't know what happened." Bucky says letting out a sigh. "One second she was there and the next she disappeared."

"Don't worry guys, I got this." Tony says. "Follow me." He says and the Avengers follow after him. He opens up a screen in front of everyone. "She has a phone that I designed, which means that I can access it. He starts typing something and a message pops up. It's a series of dots and dashes.

"This is an unsent message she left but...." Tony says inspecting the message.

"It's in morse code." Steve and Natasha say at the same time.

"Smart girl." Natasha says with a smirk.

"How does she even know morse code?" Clint asks.

"We don't know." Bruce says.

"What does it say?" Pietro asks.

"It says: I think Hydra is here." Steve says and the color leaves his face.

"Let me check the cameras around the area." Tony says typing again.

The elevator doors open again only to reveal the one person that the Avengers did not expect to see.

"Peter?" Tony says. "What are you doing here?"

"Is Vanessa here? Is she okay?" He asks looking around.

"How did you know?" Clint asks.

"She called me and said that she saw something suspicious and that she felt like someone was watching her, so she asked me to get a better look from up high. But I couldn't see anything. After she called I looked around and found this." He says giving the dart to Bruce.

"If hydra kidnapped her, we need to find her as soon as possible." Bucky says clenching his fist.

"I tried following them but I lost them." Peter says and that when the Avengers notice the cut on his side.

"Peter?" Bruce says "how did you get that?"

"Huh? Get what?" Peter asks and then he looks at his cut. "Oh, I hadn't noticed that."

"Come with me, we need to take care of it before it gets worse." Bruce says.

As Peter sits on the table he lets out a long, heavy sigh. "I tried to stop them but I couldn't." Peter says looking down.

"Don't worry, we will find her soon." Bruce says trying to sound confident.

"I just hope we don't find her when it is too late."

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