Chapter 13: Peter Parker

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If you think that I'm getting a break from training because I am going to school you're wrong.

Everyday I wake up early to run with Steve and Sam and then I go to school, then when I come back from school I train with Nat, so no I don't get a break, which is good in a way.

After showering, I let my wavy brown hair down, put some mascara on, making my brown eyes pop and get a normal outfit.

"I'm heading to school" I say as loud as I can.

"You know" Tony says "you could just use a portal to go to school"

"Yes, but there is always a risk of someone finding about that, it's too risky" I say as I take a bite out of an apple.

"Smart girl" he smiles.

"Always" I say making him chuckle. Tony is not that bad once you get to know him. As I leave the tower, the thought brings a smile to my face.

I have being going to Midtown high for a few months now, and time for graduation is around the corner...

Peter and his team miss classes sometimes and I know they are out saving the day somewhere.

I still haven't told them that I know they are superheroes.

My thoughts are interrupted as I get to school. The patio is full of noise and kids yelling, so I decide to head over there and see what's going on.

As I get closer, the yells become clearer. Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight! I guess that answers my question. I push through the crowd to get to the center, and as I get closer, the person getting beat up seems familiar. That brown hair and nerdy outfit belongs to Peter!

I had always wondered what Peter Parker looks like, you know if you see him you wouldn't think he's Spiderman. He doesn't stand out much and he is a nerd. Now I go to school with him.

The guy punching Peter is a big guy with blonde hair, he is none other than Flash Thompson.

A quick scan of the crowd indicates that Peter's friends are nowhere to be seeing.

I take a deep breath and sigh. 'Here goes nothing' I think to myself as I step in the middle.

"Hey Flash!" I say as loud as I can. He looks startled for a minute, he stops punching Peter and turns around to face me. "Why are you beating him up?"

"He didn't give me his lunch money." Flash says angrily.

"Look Flash you don't have to do this, I'll give you my lunch money if you want, just leave Peter alone."

His face relaxes a little before his frown returns. "No, besides who are you supposed to be? I haven't seeing you around."

"Maybe you would have noticed if you weren't bullying Peter."

"Oh yeah, who are you supposed to be, his girlfriend?"

I hear some 'Ohhhhh's coming from the crowd.

"It doesn't matter, what you are doing is not right." I say crossing my arms.

"You know babe, you could do so much better with someone else." Flash says with a smirk and puts his arm around me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Peter trying to get away. Good, I need to buy him more time.

"I'm sorry Flash, but you're not really my type." I say brushing his arm off my shoulder.

"Why? What does he have that I don't?" He asks frowning.

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