Chapter 14: The graduation

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-6 months later-
The calendar on my door indicates that graduation day is tomorrow! Time is going by so fast. I can't believe a year has gone by.

It seems like yesterday that Peter and I were working on our science project. After I helped Peter when he got beaten up by Flash his friends relaxed a little when I was around. Harry and MJ were extremely happy to know that someone's got Peter's back when they are not there.

As I greet the avengers before going to school, Tony insists to drive me to school and he does. Tony drives me to school in one of his "modest" cars. When I get down I wave goodbye and I am greeted by Peter's friends.

"So....tomorrow is graduation day" I say with a small shrug.

"Can you believe it?" Luke says with a whistle, "man time flies"

"Luke is right" Ava says.

"It seems like yesterday that we started hanging out" Peter says.

"Soooo.... What are we doing on our last day of high school?" Sam asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well" he pauses "it's our last chance to be together as a group, and of being high school students"

We stop walking and stand in a circle.

"How about if we take pictures around the city?" I say.

"Hmmmm....that doesn't sound bad" Peter says. "Sounds fun."

"Let's go" we say.

We hang around different stores and take tons of pictures, then we stop at the park and get some ice cream. When we finish, we lay on the grass and stare at the clouds.

"I'm going to miss you guys" I say.

"Us too" Ava says.

We sigh and stay there for a while until the group decides to leave, except for Peter. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I say and do a group hug.

Once they are out of sight Peter stands next to me with his hands on his pockets. "So....." He says sifting from foot to foot. "MJ and Harry are meeting us here at the park."

"Really? What are we doing?"

"We are going to buy some things for tomorrow, and MJ wants to go buy a new dress." Just as he finishes his sentence Harry and MJ appear, holding hands.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Harry asks. We nod and he takes us to his limo. After driving for a while, the limo stops in front of a fancy looking store. Peter and I look at each other sharing the same thought, this is too fancy and expensive. Harry seems to notice because he says, "don't worry guys, I'm paying for everything. Take it as a graduation gift."

We follow him and MJ into the store. "Come on Vanessa!" MJ says grabbing my hand. "Let's go see the dresses." I shrug and Peter smiles as he watches us go, while Harry mutters "girls" while shaking his head with a smile.

MJ comes with a bunch of dresses on her arms. "Come on, we have to find the perfect dress!" Harry and Peter sit down with a sigh since they have their outfit ready already.

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