Ch 2: Where?

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The tingly sensation subsides after a while, my hands gripping something soft underneath me as the darkness slowly fades away.

What happened? I wonder, slowly managing to sit up, my head pounding in the process. Although the weird sensation is gone, my head is still fuzzy, leaving a headache behind, which only gets worse as I try to concentrate.

Come on. Focus. I think to myself pressing my temples.

First things first. Before anything else happens, I need to figure out where I am.

Let's see, the last thing I remember is the trip at the museum. The mysterious guy giving us the tour and then...that's right! I touched the reflection on the wall and then...that's it. Then there is nothing until now. Which means I still don't know where I am.

My vision blurs as I look around the room, everything spinning around as I try to examine my surroundings, so I carefully lay back again and blink a few times until my eyes focus and everything looks clear.

Now that my vision works, I scan the room where I'm at, slightly jumping when my eyes land on a tall, blond guy with baby blue eyes, whose brows are furrowed together as he looks at me from a chair nearby.

How come I didn't see him before? He's hard to miss.

When he sees I'm awake, he stands up and lifts his gaze up, his arms crossed as he speaks. "Jarvis, tell the others she is awake."

"Right away sir." The mechanical voice replies.

Silence echoes as he waits for whoever else to show up, his eyes carefully watching me as I sit on the bed, my mind finally coming to its senses.

Wait...did he say Jarvis? I think to myself looking up, wincing when I try to stand up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The man says, his voice oddly familiar.

No way...

"Did I hit my head?" I mutter to myself, scratching my temple.

"It doesn't seem like it." A new voice says. "But you were unconscious when we found you." The man with glasses explains as he disconnects some equipment from my arm.

"Mind explaining how that happened?" Someone else asks.

"I'm not entirely sure to be honest." I confess looking at them, looking at the first guy in surprise when he hands me a glass of water. "Thank you." I say, my hand shaking as I drink it's contents.

"So," another guy starts, his demeanor more relaxed as he talks to me, "what can you tell us about yourself?" He asks, hissing at the redhead next to him when she elbows his ribs.

"What?" The guy says with a shrug. "She seems harmless."

"Well, what do you want to know?" I ask raising a brow.

"Everything." The redhead says. "Where you came from, who you are and how you got in."

"Relax Nat." The chill guy says putting his hand on her shoulder. "She just woke up."

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