Chapter 6: Second chances

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After the small confrontation with the Avengers, I manage to get a glass with water and head back to my room.

As I open the door, my heart skips a beat and almost comes out of my chest making me jump and almost drop the water.

My suspicions are confirmed when instead of finding a black cat I find the one and only Loki laying on my bed with his eyes closed.

Slowly closing the door so as to not make any noise, I watch as his chest rises and falls slowly and evenly. Then I start taking small quiet steps to approach him slowly, watching his every move.

"Stop staring." He says in a low voice and opens his eyes slowly. "It's annoying."

"Sorry." Instead of answering, he just rolls his eyes.

"You don't look surprised to see me here." He says turning his head to face me.

"I had my suspicions." I say, trying to keep a steady voice. "I just wasn't expecting to see you like this when I entered the room."

"Like this?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"In your usual form."

"So you had your suspicions, and you still brought me here?" He asks moving to a sitting position.

"I get that you are Loki, "the cat of mischief" but everyone needs help at some point."

He rolls his eyes again. "The cat of mischief?" He repeats with a scoff. I try not to smirk as he says it. "If you know who I am, you should be afraid and show me some respect mortal."

"You say mortal like its something bad, even you are a mortal Loki."

He stays still for a while, before getting up and walking towards me. Looking directly into my eyes, making me feel like he is looking into my soul.

"If you know how dangerous I am, why are helping me?"

"I believe in second chances"

"The Avengers will not trust you if you help me"

"It's a risk I have to take, you really think I didn't think this thru?" I ask crossing my arms.

"You are different from the rest of the mortals"

"I'm hoping I'm different in a good way" I pause, never losing eye contact "is that why you were at the museum?"

"I see you figured it out" he looks at me amused.

"It wasn't that hard to put the puzzle together, besides I think you wanted me to know that it was you"

He smiles amusedly making  his green eyes sparkle. "impressive" he pauses and walks around me, as if I were an exhibit. "How do you know that while we're talking I'm not attacking the Avengers?" He asks putting his arms behind him.

"I would know by now, besides the word mischief comes with the name Loki so it's expected for you to create a distraction or to have a plan, but if I am correct you are still recovering, which means there's not much you can do."

"Okay, you have my attention"

"I already had that" he watches me carefully as I sit on the desk in my room. "I'm guessing that's why you have being watching me"

"Not for a long time, only since you were able to see the portal"

"Let me guess, you to couldn't find the portal so you were looking for someone to find it for you"

He chuckles "something like that, I'm not sharing details with a mortal"

"I wasn't expecting you to" I look away pretending to be bored by the conversation.

"Aren't you at least a little bit curios?" He leans closer.

"No" I say crossing my arms again. He leans back on the bed and he just looks at me with a confused face.

"Is this some sort of cage?" He asks.

"No, it's my room. I'm not S.H.I.E.L.D you know? Beside that would mean that I'm trapped in the cage too."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I have no reason to lie. You don't have to believe and I'm not expecting you to."

After a brief moment of silence, Loki makes his way over to the window and watches the city.

"I was born to be a king, I deserve to have a kingdom and be respected by my subjects." He says changing the subject, his mind far away.

"I agree, you were born to be a king but not a king on Earth or Asgard, you are Laufey's son, who used to be the ruler on Jotunheim" I say.

"Everyone will kneel someday, even if it means they fear me."

"I must say that your methods for ruling are ineffective"

"Don't pretend you know me mortal" he says raising his voice a little.

"You're not a bad person Loki"

"That's not true"

"All you want is to be noticed, to stop being a shadow"

"You do not understand mortal"

"Actually I do, I'm always other people's shadows but that doesn't mean I'm going to the extreme of destroying worlds or ruling people by fear, there are other ways to accomplish what you seek"

"I have to go, now that you brought me here I can continue with my plans, but I'm still keeping an eye on you mortal"

"Stalker" I say and I smile and to my surprise Loki also smiles. He's actually not that bad, he is just misunderstood.

As I head to the door I look back, but Loki has vanished. I get out of my room and go into the living room to meet the Avengers.

"So how did that go?" Tony asks.

"I don't know, you tell me" I look at everyone "I know you were listening"
Everyone looks down uncomfortably.

Tony sighs "yeah we were"

"I don't like to admit it but that was nicely handled" Natasha says. "You could be an agent some day"

"You're good, Nat doesn't often give complements like that" Clint says.

"You guys were listening right?" I ask them. They nod "Then you must know that I am not a big fan of S.H.I.E.L.D"


"They are an impressive organization but I don't like the way they handle things, to be honest sometimes they could do things differently, and you didn't forget that Hydra was with S.H.I.E.L.D right?"

"That's a fair point" Steve says.

"Okay, would you still work with us?" Natasha asks.

"Of course I would! I would work with S.H.I.E.L.D too but that doesn't mean I agree with them on everything, besides, I think the uniforms are cool"

"Good." Natasha says with a satisfied nod. "Because tomorrow we are going to visit the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters."

My mouth hangs open as she finishes the sentence but I try my best to hide the shock.

"Captain." Natasha says. "Now it's up to you." When the conversation is over everyone heads back to their rooms.

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