Chapter 21

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The next morning I find a confused Steve Rogers staring at his phone when I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning Cap" I say with a smile.

"Morning ma'am" he say still looking at his phone. He can be so formal sometimes.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's just I don't understand this message" he shows me the screen.

Tony: Morning Capsicle! Come by the training room later. Gtg ttyl.

"I see what you mean" I say letting out a small chuckle.

"I still need to get used to this way of messaging" he says with a sigh.

"Here" I point to the message "this means got to go and this means talk to you later"

"Oh" Steve says "that makes sense, thanks" he says scratching the back of his neck.

It's almost as if nothing happened the day before. I think to myself grabbing some toast bread and sitting near the table. When I look up, Steve has moved on from trying to decode the message to reading the newspaper. I chuckle at the sight of him doing that.

"Morning Capsicle, morning Vanessa" Tony says.

"Good morning Tony" I say with a smile slightly shaking my head at Tony's nickname for Cap.

"Did you get my message Capsicle?" Tony says as he pours some coffee.

"Yes Tony, I did" Steve says still reading the newspaper.

Tony takes a sip from his coffee and looks at Steve.

"You are so old fashioned Cap, no one reads the newspaper anymore" Tony says with a smirk while Steve just rolls his eyes in response.

"There's nothing wrong with reading the newspaper Tony, you should try it sometime, it's fun, you can't find everything on the Internet" I say.

"Unlike you, miss Vanessa, we don't all spend most of our time reading books or in Capsicle's case the newspaper" Tony replies.

"You done?" I ask.

"No" he says with a smirk. Then he walks up to me and he gets serious. "Listen, I'm sorry about the other day"

"Don't worry Tony, it's no big deal" I say giving him a side hug.

"Thanks kid, means a lot" he hugs me back.

"By the way" I say making Tony look at me "why do you text Cap with our modern language?"

"Because it's funny to see him confused" he says with a smile.

I slap his arm playfully "you are so mean Tony"

"I know" he says "but everyone still loves me" he says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes "We will see about that"

Tony looks at his watch "ugh. I have to go back to the lab, I'll see you later" he says and he rushes to the elevator.

I hear someone clear their throat and look behind me to see Steve standing there.

"I was um..... Wondering if maybe...." He pauses and looks down. Then he takes a deep breath and continues "I was wondering if you could help me with something" he says.

"Sure Cap, what is it?" I ask. What could I possibly help him with?

"Could you help me with all this modern things and with science" he says.
Science? Why would he want to learn about science?

"Sure Cap, but is it okay if I ask why science and why me?" I just had to ask him.

"I just want to catch up and I feel confused and lost when they speak in scientific terms, and I'm asking you because I trust you and I know you won't laugh at me like Tony"

"Hahahaha. That's actually a pretty good reason" I smile. "Tell me when you want to start"

"Maybe in fifteen minutes?" He asks.

"You got it, I'll go get my books and notes" I say and head back to my room.
Exactly fifteen minutes pass and I find Steve sitting on the couch.

"Are you ready?" I ask him.

"Yes ma'am"

"Do you want to study here or would you prefer the library?" I ask him.

"I think the library is a better idea" he says.

"I agree"

Steve takes out his keys. "Is it okay if we go in my motorcycle?" He asks.

"Yes. I think it's a faster way of traveling" I say with a smile.

"Then let's go"

Right as we are about to step out of the door Natasha stops us.

"Where are you guys going?" She asks raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms, then I notice Wanda standing behind her.

Are you sure it's just the library? She asks in mind and I can see her smirk.

Yes Wanda. Reply back. Need to study.

Oh okay. She says. You're not bad when it comes to mind speaking.


As we leave I hear Nat mutter 'they are so boring'. Steve must have heard her because he looks at me before laughing a little. As we are about to walk out the door I stop Steve.

"Hold on a second." I say and he gives me a confused look. "We forgot something really important."

"And what would that be?" He asks.

"Well, since we are going to the library, you need a disguise to go under cover." I say doing a dramatic gesture. Steve gives me a hesitant look before nodding slightly.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well," I say examining his current outfit, "why don't we go for something a little more relaxed?"

I say looking for some glasses, a beanie and a hoodie.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks once he puts everything on and I give him a nod.

"No one would expect captain America to dress like a regular guy."

"I just feel like this is too modern for me." He says adjusting his glasses. "Well, how do I look?"

"Like a regular 20 year old guy." I say with a smile. "Don't worry Cap, it's temporary."

"Alright then, let's get going." He says grabbing his keys.

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