Chapter 7: welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D

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After everyone left, Steve stayed behind to talk to me about visiting S.H.I.E.L.D. "Make sure you set your alarm for 5 o' clock tomorrow" Steve says.

"Roger that sir" I say and his eyes widen a bit but then he chuckles and shakes his head a bit.

This is going to be interesting. It's kind of early but I need to rest so I can train. Besides morning is not that far away anyways.

By the time I know it I hear my alarm beeping loudly.

Agh..... I groan but I get up and change clothes. I put my tennis shoes on and go to the living room. Walking on my tiptoes so to avoid waking someone up.

"Good morning" Steve says.

"Good morning Cap" I say letting out a yawn "so what are we going to do? I mean it's 5 o' clock"

"We are going to start your training and the first thing we're doing is going for a run" my shoulders slouch as he says it.

That's not fair, everyone knows Captain America is faster than everyone else.

"Come on, follow me." He says stepping in the elevator. "There's someone waiting for us already."

As we walk towards Central Park, I notice a guy sitting under a tree using his phone. For reason I feel like he is the one waiting for us.

"Is that who I think it is?" I ask Steve while squinting my eyes a little to get a better view. As we approach him the guy stands up to greet us.

"Hello, I'm..."

"Sam Wilson aka Falcon" I interrupt him and then look down. "'s a pleasure to meet you" I say. "I'm Vanessa" we shake hands.

"The pleasure is all mine" Sam smiles.

"Are you ready?" Steve asks and Sam and I nod.

As we warm up a bit Sam scoots closer to Steve.

"Hey Steve, you didn't say we had company" he whispers and looks at her "your new friend is kind of pretty"

Steve shakes his head and chuckles patting Sam's back. "Let's go" he says and starts running.

"Not again!" Sam says and goes after cap.

Boys will be boys. I think to myself chuckling.

As they get farther away, I start jogging at my own pace, there is no way I'm going to win this race. Suddenly I feel very light, almost as if I could fly. I close my eyes and feel the wind caress my face.

When I open my eyes again I realize that Sam is not in front of me. That's weird, he was definitely ahead... I turn to look behind and see him running towards us.

Then suddenly the portal opens and I trip, then I appear right in front of Steve.

Ouch. I say shaking the dust off my hands.

When Steve sees me he stops and offers me a hand.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I reply.

"How did you reach me?"

"I didn't" I say "the portal appeared in front of me again" I say and he nods understandably.

"Let's take a break, we will talk about this later." Resting my hands on my knees, I nod and we sit under a tree and wait for Sam to catch up.

When he gets there he lays on the floor breathing heavily, his shirt drenched with sweat.

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