Ch 3: Not a dream?

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The same day, I lay awake at night blankly staring at the ceiling, unable to get any sleep, trying to ignore the fact that I should've been asleep hours ago. But I still can't get it out of my mind.

Was it a dream?

I wonder, turning to the other side, letting out a heavy sigh as I try to find a comfortable position.

It doesn't make sense. It's too good to be true. Maybe I was just too tired, or bored, and I started daydreaming, that's another possibility. But it felt so real.

They felt so real. And then there's the tour guide too...

Groaning, I cover my face with a pillow.

I really need to get a life. I think to myself letting out a puff of air through my cheeks. I should probably not watch the movies in a while. Maybe that will help. Soon, I'll come back down to earth and forget that this ever happened.

Though I have to admit it was quite something.

With a million thoughts racing through my mind, I keep replaying the situation over and over again multiple times, until eventually, my eyes grow heavy and I finally fall asleep.

You can imagine what I look like the next morning when I look into the mirror, a zombie that resembles me staring back as I wash my face.

After showering and changing out of my pajamas, I absentmindedly listen to the radio while having breakfast.

"Here is the forecast for today." It announces. "It looks like it's going to be a sunny day with no clouds in sight. It's going to be a beautiful day folks. Perfect for the beach. Don't forget to wear your sunscreen!"

Fast forward and I'm heading to the first class of the day, history, which doesn't help with the sleepiness coursing through my body.

With a soft sigh, I sit on my desk and stare at the wall without paying any attention, my eyelids slowly closing as I lean on my hand.

"Psst....hey, wake up!" Someone whisper-shouts, but when I look around, everyone seems to be in their own little worlds, no one is really looking at me.

Weird. I think to myself rubbing my eyes. I must finally be losing my mind. Or it might just be the sleep deprivation, who knows?

I take one last look around the classroom, just in case, before deciding to ignore it.

With a shrug, I start dozing off again but I get hit with something. When my eyes open, there is a crumpled piece of paper in front of me.

Okay. Something is definitely up. Taking it in my hand, I extend the paper but it's blank, and once again taking a quick glance around, no one seems to have noticed it, nor does it look like one of my classmates did it.

As I walk towards my next class, I notice a big, dark cloud forming in the sky.

Huh. I thought the forecast said that it was going to be a sunny day. Guess they were wrong.

When I look back at the cloud, a lightning bolt hits the power box outside the school, shutting down everything around.

There are a few screams followed by a choir of voices wondering what's going on, the commotion interrupted by the emergency siren to leave the school premises, the principal making an announcement as soon as the students are gathered outside.

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