Chapter 39: rescue

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After days of seeing the Avengers being tortured I can't take it any longer. I don't even know how long I've being here. With all my might I yell at them to stop.

"Then tell us what their weaknesses are." The man insists.

"I can't tell you something I don't know." I say glaring at him. "I've looked for their weaknesses but I didnt find any."

"You've looked for their weaknesses?"

"Of course I have, no one likes being under constant watch. " keep up the act until the end.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I've being trying to, but you won't listen."

A guard opens he door and hurries inside.

"Did I not tell you not to disturb me?"

"Sorry sir but this is important, we have some guests."

"Who knows," the man says looking at me. "Maybe it's the Avengers." When he mentions them my body tenses. "I think I found their weakness." The man says chuckling. I stare at him confused before it dawns on me. "You are their weakness." And with that he leaves the room.

"No, no, no." I say feeling the pressure on my chest growing, I've being holding my emotions for too long. "Ahhhhhh." I let out a frustrated yell and suddenly the lights go out and an alarm sounds. My eyes start to close and body feels weak.

The door opens again but I don't look at who it is.

"Vanessa? Oh no." I hear a male voice say. I open one eye and peak at the owners face.

"Steve?" I ask groggily.

"Yes it's me, I'm here. We came to rescue you." He says looking sad.

"Okay." I say before dropping my head a little.

"No,no,no. Stay with me." Steve says unstrapping the restrains. He puts one of my arms around his neck and helps me up, which is really hard since my legs feel weak. "We're getting out of here."

He picks up his shield with his other hand and we start walking slowly. "We're not going to make it." I say. "Hydra must be on their way."

"Don't worry about it, leave that to us."

"So whats the plan Captain?"

We make it near a window and Steve throws his shield braking it. "We jump, the quin jet should be outside." He presses his comb "Nat, are you ready?"

"We're a little busy Steve." She says.

"They're coming." I say.

"We don't have time." Steve says. "You go first. Now go."

I start running trying to avoid the broken pieces of glass and jump falling through the strong wind, until suddenly, I'm securely held against a firm chest and a strong arm around me. When I look up I couldn't feel more relieved. It's Spiderman.

"I got her guys." Peter says and keeps swinging until we reach the jet and enter through the open hanger door. Bucky helps us up and carefully helps me sit down. As soon as all the Avengers are in, we take off.

I lay my head on Peters shoulder and close my eyes but I can still feel the Avengers looking at me. "I'm okay guys, I'm still me." I say in a low voice.

"They didn't brainwash you?" Bucky asks.

"Not that I know of." I say trying to smile. "How long was I there for?"

"A month." Steve says.

All I manage to say is "huh."

I lift my head and stand up, walking around a little. I really needed to stretch, my body is so sore from being restrained for so long. As I walk I feel like my breath has being knocked out of me and start fall.

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