Chapter 25: meet the team

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My hands tap my knee constantly and my leg keeps bouncing up and down. Then I start messing with belt straps. Coulson is sitting in front of me occasionally looking my way.

"Don't worry, you will like the team, besides its only for one mission, then you can go home."

"It's my first mission sir, I guess I'm excited and nervous at the same time." I manage to give him a small smile.

Coulson stands up and looks out the window. "It looks like we are here. Take as much time as you need."

"Thank you." Taking a deep breath in, I unbuckle my belt and slowly stand up. This is it, this is where everything could change for better of for worse.

As I step off the jet and into the plane, I'm received by a girl.

"Hi, you must be Vanessa." She says extending her hand, I shake it and smile. "My name is Daisy Johnson."

"Nice to meet you Daisy."

"Come on, everyone is dying to meet you." She says excitedly and pulls me along with her.

She wasn't lying when she said that they wanted to meet me since I am received with big smiles.

"My name is Jemma Simmons and this is Leopold Fitz, it is very nice to meet you." It seems like I'm not the only fangirl on board. "Oh how rude of me, Fitz, could you show Vanessa her room?"

"Uh...yeah...sure, no problem. Follow me." This plane is incredible.

I follow him into the living room to get to the little dorms on the side.

"This is where you will be staying." He says opening the door. "I'm on your left side and Daisy is on your right, just in case you need anything."

"Thank you Fitz." He is still standing by the door way looking down at the floor when I sit on the bed. The room basically consists of a bed, a small T.V and a window. "Is it okay if I'm alone for a moment?"

"Uh...right." Fitz says putting his hands together and leaving the room. Once he is out of sight I lay on the bed and stretch my arms.

A knock on the door makes me sit up. "How is everything going?" Coulson asks.

"A lot better actually."

"Good, I just wanted to check up on you."

"Thanks, it's good to at least know someone on the plane."

A beep comes from Coulson's watch. "Well, I have to go, I'll come by later." As soon as he walks out Daisy walks in and sits next to me.

"I know this is weird but I just have to ask." She says pursing her lips. "What's it like living with the Avengers?"

"It's actually pretty normal, you know, they have lives that don't always revolve around saving the world."

"But it still must be cool to live with them." She says with a smile.

"I'm a way yes, but it can be a little overwhelming at times when you don't have any powers."

The beeping coming from my phone interrupts our conversation.

Incoming call from Tony.

I chuckle and answer the video call. "Come on Tony, I barely left an hour ago."

"I know, but we are all worried about you." Behind him all the avengers say hi, I decide to take a screenshot to keep the memory.

"I'm fine, everything is good."

"Good, what's your mission?" Tony asks, now it's only him Bruce and Steve.

"Well....." I say scratching the back of my neck. "S.H.I.E.L.D recently identified a kid that can change the molecular structure of objects."

"Interesting." Bruce says pushing his glasses up.

Tony turns to face Steve. "You are not going to ask what that means?"

"I understood what she said." Steve says looking at me.

"Please explain." Tony says.

"He can change the state of an object by making it a liquid or a solid."

Tony's mouth is open almost all the way to the floor. "Capsicle learned about science! How?" When Tony is not looking at me I give Steve a thumbs up and he smiles.

"Anyway." Tony says after the sock. "When does your mission start?"

"In about an hour."

"Okay then, we will let you get ready."

"Bye guys." Soon the screen shuts down after our conversation.

Just as I'm about to lock my phone, I get a message from Peter.

Peter: Hey Nessa, how's the mission going?
Me: hey Peter, I haven't started the mission, I barely met Coulson's team.
Peter: sounds cool, I'm pretty sure you're going to do great.
Me: thanks for the vote of confidence Peter :)
Peter: no problem, well I gotta go, Aunt May is calling me. See you when you get back.
Me: okay then, talk to you later.

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