Chapter 29: Photograph

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Before the jet can land I jump out and land with a roll. "Sorry Coulson, I really gotta go."

"We had a few feet left for landing." He says looking surprised.

"I know but it's an emergency, it can't wait."

"It seems like someone has been hanging out with Captain Rogers a little too much."

"Goodbye Agent Coulson." I say waving before running inside.

The Avengers are siting in the living room looking really tired. "I came as fast as I could." I say panting.

"See if you can get Rogers to eat and come out of his room, he's being locked in there for a day and he hasn't talked to anyone." Tony says pressing the bridge of his nose.

"I'll see what I can do." I say taking in a deep breath and heading to his room. I hesitate before knocking on his door, but after all I came back to talk to Steve.

Bringing my hand up I knock on the door three times but I get no answer. "Steve?" I say softly. "It's me, Vanessa." Still no response. Wait! I have an idea. I go back to my room and look through my notebooks and books. Where did I put them? I need to find them. One of my folders falls and the pictures come out. Aha! Gotcha! I pick them up and go back to Steve's room.

I knock on the door again.  "Steve please open up." There is still nothing but silence. "Okay, well I'm just going to leave something under your door." I say leaning down to slice the pictures under his door. "I'm staying outside until you come out, I'm not moving." I say crossing my legs while I sit down.

After a few minutes waiting, the door opens a little to reveal a puffy eyed Steve.

"Oh hi..." I say standing up, since I don't know what to do, I go up to him and give him a hug. Keep in mind that's it's kind of hard since he is taller than me. He just leans over and starts crying. "It's okay Cap." I say trying not to cry. "Just let it out." I say patting his back.

We go into his room and sit on his bed. "How did you find out?" I ask him while we stare at the floor.

"They sent me a text." He says showing me his phone. "They are having a funeral for her in England and one here."

"I'm so sorry Cap." He looks at me.

"How are you? I know Peggy meant a lot to you too." Even though he is sad, he still thinks of others.

"I'm sad, I just wish I could've spent more time with her." I say letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, me too."

"So.....when is the funeral?" I ask trying to think of something to say.

"Tomorrow." He says pressing his hands together. "Will you go with me? I don't really know who else knows about her."

"Of course I will." I say grabbing his hand.

He takes in a shaky breath and his eyes get watery again. "Don't hold it in Cap, even Captain America has to cry sometimes, you are still human."

He nods and let's the tears fall. I hug him again and he starts to sob. At this moment I realize that it must be hard to be Captain America, everyone looks up to him and expects him to be strong but he is still the kid from Brooklyn.

He continues to cry for a while until he eventually falls asleep. Before stepping out of his room, I grab a blanket and cover him. After locking the door I go back to the living room.

"So?" Tony asks as soon as he sees me. "How is he?"

"He is better." Everyone looks relieved when I say that.

"Did he say what was wrong?" Natasha asks.

"He wasn't feeling that well."

"That doesn't make sense." Tony says. Natasha looks at me, she obviously knows that there is something else going on so I give her the I'll tell you later look and and she nods.

"He is not sick Tony, he's just stressed."

"Oh.....well...sorry for pulling you out of your first mission." He says looking down.

"It's alright, I was done with my mission."

"How was it?" Nat asks.

"It was good, it was an easy mission, but....."


"It was easy mission to test how well you trained me."

"Did you encounter Hydra?"

"Yes, but there wasn't a confrontation."

"Well good job." Clint says. "You survived your first mission." He says and gives me a thumbs up.

"Thank you." After a long pause I stretch and get up. "Well it's being long day so I'm going to get some rest."

"Okay kiddo." Tony says and ruffles my hair. The Avengers disperse and go to their rooms except for Natasha. She follows me to my room and locks the door.

"What's really going on?" Nat asks in a low voice.

"Cap lost someone close to him." Thats all I say but Natasha nods, she knows who I'm talking about.

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