Chapter 27: Axel

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We are now only a few feet away from the house. Before proceeding, we look around to make sure the perimeter is safe.

"Okay Daisy, it's time. Let's do what we planned."

She nods and gets low behind a bush while I get closer to the house. Once everything is clear, I give Daisy the signal and she starts lifting me up towards the window.

Once I reach the window, I stop and listen to see if anyone is inside. "Remember to be alert, Hydra could be after him too."

"Will do, I'll signal if anything happens."

With a nod and taking a deep breath in, I slowly open the window and jump inside, crouching down as soon as my feet touch the floor. Everything is extremely quiet and Axel is nowhere in sight.

Coulson said that they keep him locked in him room, which means that the door should be locked from outside. As I turn the handle my suspicions are confirmed. Axel has to be in here somewhere, there is no way out except for the window.

As I turn around, I get a strange feeling coming from the closet. Walking slowly, I make my way over and start to hear soft crying. That has to be Axel.

I considered knocking but decided to just open the door.

The boy gasps as his head shots up in surprise. "Who's there?" He asks squinting.

"Hey Axel, it's okay, I'm not here to hurt you." I say crouching down in front of him.

"Who are you? How did you get here? Did my parents send you to kill me?" He asks hugging his legs.

"My name is Vanessa, I can't really tell you how I got here and no, your parents didn't send me, they actually don't know I'm here."

"So why are you here?"

"To help you, but only if you want to."

"How are you going to help me? There is no use! I'm a monster and everyone is afraid of me!" He says looking down.

"Not everyone." He lifts his head and looks back at me.

"You're not afraid of me?"



"Are you afraid of the Avengers?" I ask noticing his Avengers t-shirt.

"No, but I'm not like them."

"But they were like you at one point in their lives."

"What do you mean?"

"They were scared of what could do."

"Do you know them?"


"Wow, that is so cool." By now Axel is more relaxed so it should be easier to talk to him.

Suddenly I hear steps coming up the stairs. "Someone is coming." I say and go deeper into the closet.


"Come on Axel, we gotta go." I say reaching for his hand.


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