Chapter 11: Portals

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The portal might be connected to me?!? How is this even possible! I don't even have superpowers. How am I supposed to control the portal?

My head is filled with questions and I don't know how to answer them and neither do the Avengers. I start to breath faster and my head starts hurting.

"Are you okay?" Steve asks.

"'m fine, I just need to get fresh air" I say and walk out of the lab.

What is going on? How can I control something that I don't even know I can do?

When I look around I notice that walked into the elevator so I decide to go to the top floor.

As I walk outside the wind feels cold but it's nice. After looking around for a while, I find a corner and sit there.

No one should be able to see me here. Letting out a shaky breath, I put my arms around my knees and lean my head.

I need to calm down and try to figure it out. The worst part is that what Thor says actually makes sense, otherwise how would the portal take me exactly where I want to go?

"I might be able to help you" I hear a voice making my head snap up and look around. My eyes land on someone that looks like Loki. Well not exactly, he looks like a hologram.

"You're not even here Loki" I say.

"Oh but I'm nearby" he smiles "meet me at Central Park"

"I don't think leaving the tower is going to be easy"

"But you could use the portal"

"We don't even know if it's going to work"

"Just try"

For some reason I am curious and want to try. "Fine" I say standing up.

I think of the portal and it appears in front of me, then I look at Central Park and walk across the portal.

I look around until I see a guy with black hair wearing a green shirt resting under a tree.

When he feels me next to him he opens his eyes and smiles.

"I see you figured it out"

"It wasn't that hard actually, I've been subconsciously using the portal several times but there has to be a reason on why you called me"

"True" he stays quiet "I can teach you to go anywhere you want"

"You want me to open a portal for you, is that it?" I ask him.

"It seems that you know me well mortal" he says with a smirk.

"Are you going to teach me or not?" I cross my arms.

"We cannot open the portal with mortals around" he says looking around.

"Since when does that matter?" I say. "We can train in the tower"

"You are not being serious are you?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow "very well"

"Don't worry Loki, I won't let them take you" I say and offer him my hand.

"I can get up by myself" he says and gets up slowly. Once he is standing up he makes a hissing sound. I think he is hurt.

"Let's go then" I think of the portal and imagine my room in the Avengers tower across.

When I get there I hear an alarm. "Hold on a sec" I tell Loki and go into the living room. "What's going on?" I ask.

"We have a mission" Steve says.

"Okay, just be careful" I tell the avengers.

"Don't worry about us, we are the Avengers" Tony winks at me. Typical Tony always playing around. I laugh a little.

"Well I'll just be in my room" as I head back to Loki I see Bruce walking towards his room.

"I'm guessing you're staying?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I don't really like to go on missions if it's not necessary" he says looking down.

"Bruce" he looks at me "no matter how much you fight it the world needs you and the world needs the Hulk, I just want you to remember that"

"Thanks" he whispers.

"I'll be in my room if you need anything" I'm pretty sure nobody needs my help but I don't know what else to say.

When I go back to my room I see that Loki is lying on the floor.

"Loki?" I ask but he doesn't answer. I walk towards him and kneel down grabbing his hand.

"Your hand is cold" he says.

"You're one to talk." I say surprised at how much colder his hands feel. When I look back at him I notice that his face is getting blue and his eyes red. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" I ask him.

"Because you are a mortal"

"Let me see" I lift up his shirt and his body tenses. "I'm guessing you need to rest to regain your power and go wherever it is you were hoping I would take you"

"No" he doesn't look at me "fine, maybe I do need help, but no one can know"

"Don't worry, your secret is safe" I say with a smile and he just rolls his eyes. First, I need to clean his wound so he can heal faster. What was he doing!?! I mean he is Asgardian, which means that he is way stronger than us.

I get a towel and some supplies and start cleaning his wound. As soon as the wound is clean and I take out whatever it was that was in it, his skin turns back to normal.

Loki just stares the whole time until he finally speaks up. "You saw my true form" he pauses "and you're not afraid, you're still helping me"

"There is no reason to be afraid or someone that looks different you know" I say picking up everything and sit next to him.

"Where do you need to go?" I ask him.

He says a name that I don't understand. "How do I get you there?" I ask him.

"Right now the portal just follows you around, you need to learn how to open and close it. Just imagine it closing and opening, it's going to take some time"

"Got it, and to travel to another realm?" I ask him.

"It takes a lot of focus so you don't struggle with energy"

I imagine the portal in front of me and think of the place Loki told me, then it slowly appears. Loki is about to cross but I grab his arm to stop him.

"Wait, Loki. I just wanted to say thanks"

He rolls his eyes and leaves without saying another word. "Your welcome." I say with a scoff and extend my arm in front of me, my hand facing the portal and then I close my hand putting it into a fist. The portal slowly starts to close.....
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