0.8: Here's Your Ticket

Start from the beginning

"He's handling it in his own way." Ethan said, as he pulled me closer to him.

We stood their embracing each other for what felt like hours, but probably was only like ten minutes. Ethan pulled slightly away, and moved his hands up to my face. He cupped my face gently, as we stared into each other's eyes. I bit my lip nervously, as we just stared. Then, he bent down, and kissed me. His lips barely brush mine, and I pull him a little closer. Now, there's no more space between us.

"Sk-." Julia said, as she walked in.

I jerked away from Ethan, as Julia's eyes grew wide.

"Did you guys just? Did I just see what I think I saw?" Julia asked, as she pointed between Ethan and I.

I looked at Ethan his eyes red, and puffy from crying. He saw me looking, and looked at the ground, as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I have to go, I'll text you." Ethan said, as he left.

I nodded my head, and walked over to my nightstand to get Julia's ticket. I pulled it out, and handed it to her.

"Here's your ticket." I said smiling awkwardly.

"You guys were just kissing!" Julia exclaimed, as she folded the ticket in half.

"Yeah, but it probably didn't mean anything to him. He just found out his dad died of cancer, and he needed a shoulder to cry on, but one thing led to the other." I said, as I sat on my bed.

"His dad died? And he chose you over Grayson?" Julia asked surprised.

"No, he didn't chose me over Grayson. Grayson was just handling the loss in his own way, and I guess Ethan didn't have anybody else to turn to." I said.

"Oh." Julia said, as if she doesn't believe me. "And here's your money."

Julia handed me $155 in cash. I took it, and put it in my piggy-bank.

"Thanks, and the website said that we need to bring our ID's or they won't let us in." I said, as I messed with my hands.

"Okay, do you wanna go get a coffee?" Julia asked, as she headed towards the room door.

"First, tell me why your out of school so early?" I said, as I got up, and placed my hands on my hips.

"I couldn't wait for the ticket any longer, so I ditched." Julia said calmly.

My jaw dropped.

"Julia! You are so bad! Your parents are going to kill you." I exclaimed.

"No, no, no. Your parents are going to kill you for making out with Ethan." She said laughing.

I covered her mouth with my hand, as I glared at her.

"You need to keep your volume down! My parents don't need to be worried about a kiss that didn't mean anything." I said, as I took my hand off of her mouth.

"Sky, I know it meant something to you. You look as red as a freaking tomato right now. There's no need to lie." Julia said smiling.

"It doesn't matter. He's famous! Why the hell would he like me? I'm just another one of his three million fans." I said, as I grabbed my wallet, phone, and car keys.

"I don't know." Julia said, as she looped her arm through mine. "Now let's go get some Starbucks!" She yelled happily.

"I really need some coffee." I said, as we walked out of my room.

We walked downstairs, and my mom stopped us.

"Where are you going, Sky?" She asked.

"Starbucks." Julia and I said simultaneously.

"Please bring me back a tall caramel latte." My mom said.

"Will do!" I said, as I saluted her.

"One more thing, Sky. Is Ethan alright?" My mom asked.

"You know what happened with his dad." I said, as I shifted from one leg to another. "Why?"

"Well, for one his sobs were extremely loud, and when he was leaving his eyes were really red and puffy." My mom said, as she tilted her head. "But then it got extremely quiet, then Julia went up there."

"I already told you!" I said.

"I kno-."

I cut my mom off.

"We're leaving!" I said, as I dragged Julia to the front door.

We got into my car, and I drove Julia and I to Starbucks. I ordered my mom's drink, and I ordered myself a caramel frappachino.


Sorry for the long wait, but here's your chapter. Finally some romance, but will it last long? You tell me! Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and enjoy!


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