Snake Eyes {6}

Começar do início

                Jude meowed loudly. “That means let it drop. Jude demands it!” I said fiercely and Shaw sighed and laughed a little.

                “Okay, okay. I’d hate to piss the ever sexy Jude off,” he said with a wink. I blushed, still barely able to believe I had said that. God, I was so stupid!

                Shaw laid down on my bed and closed his eyes. “I’m tired. I’m sleeping over,” he announced. He opened his eyes, sat up, and pulled me down with him. I rolled my eyes.

                “If your ass hurts when you wake up tomorrow, I swear I didn’t do it,” Shaw mumbled as he slipped off to sleep. Jude curled up above my head and I shrugged and rested my head on Shaw’s chest, letting myself fall asleep as well, not caring how early it was.

                I woke up sometime later and checked my clock, realizing that it was now 4 in the morning. Damn Shaw and I had slept forever!

                Oh man. What if we thought we had slept from the afternoon to the early morning but in reality, we had slept from the afternoon all the way to the future? What if there were robots and flying cars and woman for president?

                I moved to jump out of bed, but Shaw tightened his grip on me. I had almost forgotten about the fact that he had his arms around me.

                I shook him and he grumbled out something and buried his face in my pillow, still holding me. I wasn’t a teddy bear!

                Pouting, I shook him harder. He ignored me. I glanced at Jude and shrugged dot myself. I picked up my cat and blew in his face, something I knew pissed him off.

                Jude hissed at me and I blew in his face harder. I dropped him on Shaw and he hissed more and dug his claws into Shaw’s back.


                Shaw jumped up and swatted at Jude as the cat fell and landed on his feet. He hissed one more time before going and curling up in the corner of my room, watching us suspiciously.

                “Mark! You asshole!” Shaw whined, rubbing his back and then his eyes. He glanced at me and groaned as I flashed him my puppy dog eyes.

                “God dammit! Stop being so freaking adorable! I hate it!” he whined and pulled me in for a hug. I giggled and pulled away from him, pointing at my alarm clock to show him the time.

                “We need to shower. But be quiet so that we don’t wake my mom or my grandpa up,” I said and crawled out of bed. I grabbed fresh clothes and tossed a shirt at Shaw for him to borrow, knowing he wouldn’t fit in my jeans. I was too small.

                “You can shower downstairs,” I said.

                “Why? That’s so far away!” Shaw whined.

                I nodded. “I know. Plus, that’s the bathroom with spiders. Have fun!” I flashed him innocent eyes before hurrying out of my bedroom and into the bathroom across the hall, being careful not to wake my mom or grandpa up.

                I took a quick shower before hopping out and getting dressed. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair before heading back into my bedroom.

                Shaw came upstairs a few minutes later, also ready. We went into my kitchen and split a pop tart before going outside to wait for the bus.

                We got on and off at the school. I looked around for any sign of Joey or Glen, knowing they would be pissed and out to get me after yesterday.

                I relaxed when I didn’t see either of them. Maybe they had decided to skip school and I would actually be safe today.

                The bell rang and Shaw sighed. “I have to go to my gym locker. I’ll meet you in first period Mark,” he said, giving me a small wave before heading off towards the gym locker room.

                I went down to get to my own locker and felt someone grab my arm. I froze and my heart started slamming. Maxx or Shaw. It had to be Maxx or Shaw.

                I slowly spun around and felt sick to my stomach as Joey grinned at me, Glen standing behind him smugly. Joey slammed me up against the lockers, his grin turning dangerous as kids pretended not to see us and others watched curiously.

                “So faggot, you got saved yesterday. But I wasn’t done with you. How good do you think you’d look wearing a cast?” Joey asked, grabbing my arm. He spun my around and slammed me against the lockers again, harder this time. I yelped and he twisted my arm behind my painfully, pulling it up a little.

                “Leave me alone,” I begged.

                “Leave me alone,” Glen mocked and laughed. “Break the faggot’s arm Joey. His fag friend Shaw ain’t here to save him. Neither is that other kid.”

                Joey suddenly released my arm, letting out a hiss of pain as he rubbed the back of his head. He spun around and so did I, my heart really beating now. Now what the hell was happening?

                “What the fuck?” Joey snapped, picking up a dice that was on the ground. He glared at the kids that had been watching him torture me. “Who threw this at me?” he demanded furiously.


                He glared at Maxx. Maxx raised an eyebrow and came over calmly. He took my hand in his and snatched the dice out of Joey’s hand. He began to pull me away before hesitating. He released my hand and turned around.

                He grabbed Joey’s shirt and picked him up, whipping him against the lockers furiously. “I told you to leave Mark alone,” he snarled, his eyes flashing dangerously.

                He dropped Joey and punched him in the face before turning and taking my hand again. He pulled me away and into a different hallway before stopping.

                “Are you okay Mark? Did he hurt you?” he asked.

                I shook my head, rubbing my shoulder. “No. I’ll be fine. What was up with the dice?” I asked. Maxx grinned and pulled two dice out of his pocket, showing them to me. They were just normal dice.

                “My dad gave them to me. He won a lot with these when he was a teen. He calls them his lucky dice. I saw Joey hurting you and…I don’t know. It was all I could think to do at the moment,” he said with a shrug.

                He put the dice back in his pocket and gave me an easy smile. “I like you Mark. More than I really should, but that’s okay. Sit with me at lunch,” he said, throwing in another flirty wink before walking away from my confused and happy self. 

Snake Eyes [boyxboy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora