Can't you see.

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Bella's POV 

My head was about to explode, every inch of my body was in ache. I opened both of my eyes slowly adjusting to the strong light in the room. I scanned the surrounding . I had no idea where I was , the room had bright white wall with plain modern furniture . The sound of the heart monitor echoed through the lifeless room. I tried to lift up my hand when I realised that there was something holding it or rather someone . I snapped my head sharply to see who it is  in pain letting out a groan. It was William. 

He quickly shot his head up when he heard me. His hair was all sexily messy , I was wanting to run my fingers through it . He cheekily smiled at me . I was about to smile back when I realised I had to keep my poker game on. I can't just give in ! After all this !

"What happen?" I asked getting straight to the point. Where is Blake ? What about Liana? Mum ? Dad? Worry started to curse through my mind.

"You got shot ." He said simply, pain popping out from his eyes by my change of spirit . 

"How's everyone ? Blake? Lia--"

"Everyone is fine . You were the only one that got seriously hurt ." He stated angrily. 

"That's good." I let out a breathe of relief. He took my hand and kissed it making the heartbeat monitor speed up. A scarlet red blush appeared on my cheeks . He chuckled at the effect he had on me.

"It's not good that you got hurt . You gave me a heart attack! It is all my fault this happen in the first place. I am so damn sorry Bella! I should of been in your place! I should have been the one hurt! Not you Bella . Not you.." 

I was shocked at his out burst and the apology. My features on my face soften . Without realising what I was doing I stroke his smooth cheek down to his cheek. He was a bit shocked at what I was doing, me too. I dropped my hand down on the silky white cover. 

He sigh , taking my hand again. "Never ever again. Over my dead body you are going to do something like this. Putting yourself in danger . Never . You scared the living shit out of me. " 

"Yh.. if not me who knows where we all be at ." 

"That's for you to worry and me to find out" 

" That's unfair. " I was getting pissed of right now. If not me , all of us would be probably be still stuck or dead in that terrible basement.

"That's life for you." He said. Then a women came in , with short brown hair. She smiled at me  and unplugged the heart monitor from me and other chemicals from me. 

"William , go rest and take a shower. I will take care of Bella ." He hesitantly stood up and left the room without a word. I looked at the young women , she looked no more the 27 or 26. She smiled again and said " I am happy you are awake . The whole pack was deadly worried about you , with William acting like it was the end of the world the whole pack took it to heart".

My heart skipped a beat , did she really mean that ? I doubt it . But then why say such things? I have no clue. I smiled at her and asked her "So tell me when will I be back on my feet ?".

"You are eagar. You shouldn't move too much for few days so the wound heals properly. But overall everything is fine. Don't change into your wolf for at least 2 days and no sexual intercourse. I don't want you to get too tired." She said with a wink . I blushed like crazy ,did she really think --? I have to stop thinking about him. He wasn't there my whole life then I can live without him. My wolf was miserable about what I was thinking about. 

"Oh noo... of course not.."I stutterered , embarrassed. The last time it was the night with him . I still don't remember everything but my wolf does ,certainly.

"Yh. Sure darling whatever you say . Anyway I called your family and friends to come over and visit they should be here in a minu-" She didn't get a chance to say anything when Liana came into the room running towards me, with tears in her eyes. She hugged me tightly, making me squeeze in pain. She looked at me holding both of my cheeks tightly.


I smiled and said " I am fine . Everything will be fine." 

"Mummy !!!! " Blake run in hugging me . 

"Hi baby. How are you?" I asked me sitting him on the bed next to me while Liana sat on the chair where William sat before . Yh .. William. SNAP OUT OF IT. 

The next thing I noticed was William run in to the run , shirtless and his hair all wet dripping down his tanned muscular chest down to... SNAP OUT OF IT! Damn I was checking him out carelessly!

"What happen I heard shouting?" He asked holding his towel.

"Emmr...." I responded stupidly, still goggling him up and down. I want to feel him against me, desperately.

"Well I was just giving your future wife a speech about doing something so stupid like yesterday and how she scared the s*** out of everyone." She said casually , like it was nothing my jaw dropped down .  I looked over at William he just smiled shyly. I blushed. 

"I guess then I will go back and get dressed then.. " He said.

"You better if you not Bella here will eye rape you again." She said unintentionally  making me blush harder. 

"Liana--" I said with a harsh tone, totally embarrassed.

I heard William laugh and interrupted my telling off Liana " You are so cute when you blush " He said unexpectedly leaning against the doorway.

"Can I have a private moment here with Liana, PLEASE?" I said sharply . Everyone nodded and went out of the room leaving me and Liana alone. After a moment of silence , I started.

"Liana care to explain what the heck was that about ?" I said irritated.

"I was just stating the truth." 

"Seriously , Liana ? I thought we talked about it . We are just going to stay for the wedding and then go back."  I said remember the whole discussion we had about it for hours.

"Bella , can't you see? You are hurting people. You are hurting yourself, by rejecting your soul mate.You are hurting Blake by keeping him away from his father. You are hurting your family , but leaving them behind. You are hurting me because you can't see how much people love you, so much. I would do anything to be in your place ?! What else do you need? A healthy loving ,caring family. A handsome and lustful mate and awesome kid! " She said standing up gripping the bed frame.

"Liana you don't understan--" 

"Tell me Bella what is there to understand ! You have everything a person can ever want and you don't want it ! You have it all ! What else would you ever want !?" She shouted at me . I was shocked at her outburst . We had our fights and all but never like this.

"Liana --" I wanted to explain but once again I was interrupted by her.

"No Bella. Think about it." With that she went out of the room leaving me speechless. What the hell happen? Was she jealous? Is she right ? Am I hurting people? But I have my job and everything there. Blake already made friends in the nursery . I am settled down there I am happy... Am I ? Because my wolf isn't happy ,it doesn't mean I have to be miserable too.  Should I stay ? But I would be giving into my wolf the monster inside me. But should I listen to my heart that lays with William or to my mind that lays in across Canada? 




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